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  • 작성자 사진Flament Olivier

some pointless weird arrogant mind. - no one know why it is exist. (ancient secret)

should throw away arrogant.

people are too much arrogant like others are must not better than you.

no. everyone is better than you. and no one exist who not better than you.

throw away that weird mind.

weird some mysterious mind that pointless and don't even know why someone think like that way.

most pointless thing in humanity.

no one know what is that thing have point.

all that science and nano tech. still humanity don't know why there is someone think themselves are better than others and why they should have to do like that.

unfortunately... it maybe too much hard to accept to you.

i know. but.

you are actually nothing.

just fucking retarded and byung sin.

it could feel very unfortunate.

but that is just fact and science.

it is more science than science that objective fact of you are just nothing.

and most of those idiots very effort. too much effort and desperate for it.

about trying to thinking others is not better than them.

they struggle and their best struggle for it.

all their best struggle that until when they very last moment of death.

no one, and none of animals and life from never effort like that best way of deseprately for it.

but there is some bunch of people exist.

so cut off them.

and if you are one of these type of being.

than kill yourself and get the fuck off from world and universe.

just eternally.

because it is so unnecessary and useless and unefficient to universe and humanity.

should know.

no one. not even single nano particle of dust of no one.

no one actually competive with you. no one.

just don't need to struggle for weird your own struggle that delusional competive.

you competive to with your own shadow.

조회수 7회댓글 0개

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