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  • 작성자 사진Flament Olivier

something bunch of failed to being human

japanese are not a human.

not means they are aliens.

you know, there is sometimes people exist.

that "something bunch of failed to being human."

that is japanese.

only harm others but that is all.

so how to fix this universe?

kill them.


you know.

those garbages are don't need to exist and exclude from humanity.

it harmful and unnecessary.

it very reasonable thing.

not a insult or hate.

it is conclusion. when i think about world and humanity.

what is correct way?

there is failed being exist. failed to being human. something.. just worthless. meaningless and pointless.

there is no point for they exist.

and this is fatal error.

we should fix it.

im very reasonalbly saying this.

it is not metaphorical of expression.

i mean, japanese don't need to exist and should exclude them for future of humanity.

in any case.

that behavior, we should call it japan.

so that japan behavior is threat of universe.

i warn that.

universe will become worthless. because of japan.

only reason god disposal this universe is only cause is japan existance.

universe it self become worthless.

should fix this virus and fatal error of unnecessary.

조회수 5회댓글 0개

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