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  • 작성자 사진Flament Olivier

something you agreed and you helped and you clapped.

people they agree and they clapping and they pass over their rights to most shitty leftist japan scumbags.

and they living in their intimidate and attacking and labeling.

it all same to vaccine.

people damaged but they just do nothing and saying nothing.

because they did they promoted and they agreed and they recommended they clapping at it.

and when they realized damaged. just can't saying anything but just never blame themselves.

but if blame is matter.

should think about.

mandate and intimidate and forcing and lying and disinformation and manipulation.

you fooled by them.

then get mad at this part.

people too much aggressive about blame and labeling. that always they doing.

but when moment come they should have to blame themselves?

fucking just even while dying and sick. trying to even they dying.

shut their mouth and trying to do nothing.

even dying. but powerful only one single will to never trying to blame them selves.

and just they kill others for fun.

all shame and taint.

but point is.

you agree with them and you give them to power to killing you.


they madated, they forced, they lying and they intimidate you, they fooling you, they brain washed you.

that is first.

then don't think you can't blame them or can't do anything.

just do resist.

omg im fooled. i was wrong. they lied. but i was fool!!!!

what is this means,

it including accept your blame but same time.

notice reality and know the those psychopath shitty scumbags blame and must defeat.

when take responsiblity and recognize situation correclty.

then everything just naturally correct.

omg i was fooled. it was mistake that i did. it was taint. shame and taint.

yes. you people exactly did.

and where is point.

self reflection. recognition. accept. blame demons correctly. grown up. not make thing getting any worse. but surpass negativity.

all good thing is there.

but if just trying to keep pretending. more and more make psychopath powerful and getting worse and people dying and you will damage and die too.

how to cut off that cycle. once step on taint. and people just haunted and never trying to get off from it.

they just keep haunted and trapped in bullshit.

and just leftist japan consume all of you and getting worse and worse.

they just shitting all around and people dying and children dying and people intimidated and people oppressed and mentally depressed and abused.

just do resist.

it is just good in every ways. feeling better. life is better.

nothing is bettter than this.

people think everything is just about cheap blame game and labeling to others.

they living like that. and fear it that for themselves.

when they violence to others they called it fun.

but when they facing violence genocide murder and all oppression.

you do thing for yourself and you fear it for yourself.

it is something trap. stuck in there and demons consume you.

but how to get off from those some mind trap and brainwash.

it all psy op in the end. that you stucked.

what will be something make solve this??

kindness. and respect others. and goodness.

do not spreading hate and jealousy.

do not living in negativity.

negativity is point.

demons using and consume that part of yours.

when you control your own negativity.

you prevent every fraud scam psy op brainwash what demons doing.

even you can just prevent vaccination and all dangerous fake stuff.

you have negativity. everyone have negativity.

not that only your emotion is everything about world and earth.

everyone went through same thing.

but some of are surpass it. but some of are failing and falling.

but even if while all other failing.

but you shouldn't.

think yourself is better than that.

do not consume by negativity and do not easily fool by demons.

demons. it is just matter of how much you think your self is greater than demons.

you must better than demons. how much they trying to selling cheap porn and delusion you with profit and bullshit.

you must always been greater than that.

do not be easy and cheap.

demons trying to selling some cheap porn then just agree with it like stupid.

that.... people don't feel anything? feel like you are useless idiot.

and that is what demons want is.

if you keep trapped in cheap porn and bullshit.

then you are idiot. and demons keep killing and every agenda going forward.

while you care about bullshit.

so leftist japan doing thing is make you useless idiot.

feel like you are something just only deserve fucking bullshit cheap porn and stay in fool.

but should think you are better than it.

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