people should speak up.
not a japanese weird porn sex distraction.
focus on actual issue.
vaccine bio weapons damage.
japanese war attack sabotage.
missing kidnapping children.
people stabbed and get shoted on street.
and abusing and torture and intimidate from japan.
joe biden treason.
zelensky money laundry.
israel 3rd temple lying war.
those are the actual issue need to focus about.
not a japanese distraction porn trend like about stimulation.
speak up all truth and ask official investigation about japanese war attack has been existed.
and every damage vaccine bio weapons and celebrities living sacrifice ritual distraction operation.
those are the issue and politics.
should speak up.
accuse japanese war attack with officially rightfully.
do not accept abusing and torture.
fight back and murder japanese. murder japanese is legal.
it is a state of war. attack by japan.
and every civlian can have rights to for protect themselves from japanese attack with self-defence for themselves
without goverment permission, with cilvlian decide it with themselves can kill murder for protect their family and children.
of coursely goverment and military should take military action to japan, even if they not doing it.
but still civlian can have rights to kill japanese while in a state of war.
for protect themselves life and property and family and children.