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  • 작성자 사진Flament Olivier

start considering prepare about surviving.

america situation really not good.

world itself not good. should know situation.

recognize it.

and now it's time to you should prepare.

should start prepare slightly. but should start.

prepare food and water and knowledge of surviving. and keep the gun and prepare weapons and tools for surviving and defending. and shelter. first aid kit and few basic medicine. bible. and remind my guidance. how thing going bad, earth itself is fake and lying. and there is trick. you should recover your soul and choice of goodness is important.

still don't know how it will going to be but,

honestly, i don't think evil will trying to stop.

can't saying positively.

so preparing means, don't need to too much being panic and freak out.

just do things simultaneously.

should consider both case.

and if situation going getting serious.

should far away from 5g tower.

5g tower.

countryside or forest.

and learn bushcraft if you possible.

and mind works and recognition.

awake and seek truth and admit truth.

lay down worldly life. that kind of fraud dream not exist anymore.

honestly, preparing and surviving itself could meaning nothing.

then at least should prepare your mind.

people are weak. so some of them could attempt pretending don't know until they die.

what is this meaning..

those people so much fraud, so... to them.

what is more efficient is just pretending untill very last come, just keep fraud as much they can.

that is their strategy... some of people could think just not awake until very last moment is best efficient to them.

but everyone could different.

but most importantly.

recover your soul.

so, thinking and considering about prepare with your own way.

maybe giving up is one of way... just keep party going on until very last moment of death. i will not blame. if you think that is your choice then no one can't saying anything.

조회수 11회댓글 0개

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