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  • 작성자 사진Flament Olivier

summary of human history.

vaccine is just nothing relate to medical.

only purpose of how to inject nano devices to in your body?

and also how they make people injecting that military weapon?

so, wu han covid artificial bio weapon spreaded purposely.

and media saying lying and brainwash.

big tech censorship to information

politicians and government mandate.

release some thugs and criminals for distraction operations and threatening.

if someone speak truth then leftist launching for their brainwashed behavior.

go! attack!! labeling!! wraaaaaa!!

so 70% of humanity vaccinated and injected nano particles.

and they now attempt 15 min city.

for stable collect data from your nano particles

and following damage of vaccinations are not their concern,

you dying or people who you loved ones dying or

people become disabled or not.

then they selling medicine and payment is yours.

and selling some robotics parts. because blood clot make your limbs dead.

then brainchip implant you will gladly accept.

and they can directly hack your brain and control your brain and transmit all data from you.

and also they will attempt brain scan mind uploading, when you while dying with vaccine side effect.

companies will suggest to you will agree with become digital data, but agree about following risks and unfair agreements.

and you think you don't have choice, so many of people will gladly accept it.

and people become brainchip implanted or become digital data. only two options exist. about human existence of recent future.

or resist.

and final purpose is one single collective mind.

but , evil will have more higher authority forthemselves in that collective mind.

so this is summary of human history how it ends.

you just watched actual truth.

now we all know truth

so discuss and speak your opinion.

that is important.

just speak how you feel, how you think.

basically it is about

will you accept become computer and robot

or stay human

that issue.

other gibberish is not matter,

so will you choose digital being

or will you stay human.

becoming robot and computer means you giving up your everything. there is no you anymore.

you control perfectly like puppet. and you can't feel what is wrong , Ai and psycho ruler will control you instead of you.

you are not you but you don't know you are not you or not.

one day, you feel you like strawberry. but that is programmed instructions.

"i like strawberry"

and you being happy.

but why it feel like so much sad?....

feel like dream that just eternally continues...

you don't need other knowledge except this.

here is everything about world and humanity.

i explained everything.

you don't even need to become genius.

you can understand this.

there is nothing more or less.

i explained just objective reality.

all other gibberish is just pointless and worthless.

i just ended all.

there is no other rest not exist at all.

all just stupid and idiots jerks gibberish something delusion.

and fundamenatl is belong to me.

im to just only one inteligence and knowledge and real human.

universe is just

you know.

there is truth. that is me.

in front of this actual objectivity

there is you.

people react differently and revealing their true color.

that is all~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

조회수 19회댓글 0개

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