so get off from those false belief and political stance and trend.
and tessa violet killed not only insurance company CEO.
that is intended for trying to make her boyfriend like crime super hero.
means admit it is "criminals". they know it very well with for themselves.
feel like criminals but superhero like.
that not exist.
not only insurance CEO. but too many people murdered and too many children raped and get killed. stabbed shoted fired head cut offed.
every "let's make it happen" crime.
planc crash. and every crime accident.
japan and tessa violet did that crime for satanism.
and many children also murdered and raped.
and kill insurance CEO and "attempted" trying to being crime hero.
means at least they know and aware they are the criminals.
they did admit. kill japanese and kill tessa violet and her boyfriend super hero adam insurance CEO killing and boy rape including.
shouldn't talk about only insurance CEO killing.
should talk about "every rest of" including children shot at school make it happen crime too.
speak "this".
every "let's make it happen" many celebrities dies tinna turner and marry popins actor was also murdered for joke.
and many children. must including when accuse and blame.
speak "this".
so what is "insurance CEO death" means?
tessa violet did "attempt cover up."
trying to attempt, make false image of criminals as feel like hero.
but they didn't killed big pharma or japanese or jewish or bill gates or joe biden. none of them.
why insurance company?
why not big pharma. vaccine companies?
they did attempt. cover up their crime. trying to make false image.
so just murder.
and should talk about rest of killing that including many children.
so tessa violet have authority to kill people decide "target".
ask tessa violet to kill japanese or kill jewish. then.
why not?
let's prove it.
make tessa violet kill jewish and japanese. and blame it to tessa violet.
let see. let's prove this. then.
hey tessa violet!! you are super hero that killed insurance company CEO with let's make it happen that including many children killing.
but can you using that magic power for kill jewish?
and kill japanese.
you kill them. then i will blame you.
how about that?
you are super hero!! and your boy friend.
then kill some jewish and kill some japanese.
and that is your fault.
why not?
you killed insurance CEO and want make yourself hero.
then do some more use magic power .
le'ts make it happen~~~!!
prove it.
let see tessa violet "let's make it happen" is same side of jewish or not?
let's fact check.
so if trump and US goverment and military
if they not arrest tessa violet and revealing every evidence of their crime.
then it is also same thing. have no point.
they work for tessa violet children rape buisness.
same team.
should arrest tessa violet exact suspect and
should declare a state of war against to japan and should take military act about civlian and children casualties.
so if they don't.?
why they should meaning to exist?
the compromised enemy occupied military and goverment and congress.
is threat. and they are puppet of boy rape japanese and tessa violet inscturction.
same to tessa violet itself. because they work for rape children buisness.
can understand?
do this.
1. arrest tessa violet and revealing every crime through official trial and media news.
2. declare a state of war against to japanese about their war crime against american civilian and chlidren.
if goverment and mliitary and congress not speak this.
they don't need to exist.
anyways it is enemy.
who kill civlian and children.
it's okay.
enemy occupied goverment and military and congress.
they kill people and rape children with tessa violet instruction japanese instructions.
that is situation.
they kill you. they rape your children.
the goverment and military and congress who occupied and compromise to japan tessa violet.
they listening to them. and not protect civlian and children.
they are the enemy.
anyone who otani fans. anyone who compromised to boy rape buisness.
is enemy.
they kill you. and they will rape your children.
should know and make sure about this.
not confusing and pretending and in between.
they are the enemy. who rape children. who kill you.
of coursely should ask right thing to anyone people around you including goverment and military and congress.
japan tessa violet shitting around and slaughter people and rape children.
should ask. ask to people around you. to not support them.
but that "people around you" means including goverment and military and congress too.
they are the also social members who should care about and concern about this issue together.
and when they wrong.
then what?
is it fucking nice thing? when they wrong?
should correct it then.
fucking in common sense.
omg but they are wrong. then that is all~ omg~~
that is why people keep die and children keep rape.
because there is wrong but not even trying to correct it.
should speak up.
after all susepct is clear.
japan and tessa violet.
blame it.