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  • 작성자 사진Flament Olivier

the real world that we actually should have lived????

what people they lost something. ??

but what this world is un fit and not right.

why we can just "naturally" live, but why there is ugly stuff exist.

shut off leftist japan.

and anyone who lying and trying to attempt same bullshit.

word twisting, murder rape, agenda, labeling, slandering.

all same.

leftist japan it self.

and also anyone who attempt samething about leftist-japan type of bullshit.

if method is same then should cut off everyone.

leftist japan it self + leftist japan perception, leftist japan mind, leftist japan infected people, leftist japan minions.

lefitst japan itself + their existence related everything.

their mind, their perception, their joke, their trend, their opinion, their behavior, their attitude.

and who trying to acting like leftist japan.

literally shut off leftist japan their existence and erase their existence.

completely shut off them and their everything.

and return to common sense.

what world that we knew.

if exclude satanic influence completely.

"that is what was reality that we actually should have been lived."

what was wrong and not right about this world?

something is not right.

why we feel we are not belong to this world.

there is vaccine and chip implant and murder rape joke.

is that ? our trait? but normally just we are fine with out leftist japan murder rape joke.

we can live our life so much fine.

throw away what satan gives to you.

you people think about this.

you were actually so much fine and okay to living your life with out vaccination.

can understand that unnecesary.??

what about leftist japan murder rape joke??

you can fucking living your life so much well with out those psychopath insanity.!!

what about climate change??

what about LGBTQ+ BLM and all agenda.

all actually unnecessary.

it exist or not exist.

your life is just exist for your own self.

what world doing thing is unnecessary and we don't need.

but they forcing it, mandate it, and intimidate.

feel like trend that you should follow.

there is no exist about any bullshit trend you must should have to follow.

not exist . actually.

just think carefully.

"actually and must need?"

but it is not.

i mean, you can fucking live your life so much happy and fun and comfort and wow with out fucking vaccination or any fucking trend and agenda that world trying to brainwash you.

feel like "you should have to".

but there is no "you should have to". not exist.

that is actual reality and actual truth that,

originally should have been to exist.

why fucking care about agenda? and why you should Quarantined??

why vaccinated? why you should fear about leftist japan murder and rape??

with out these stuff. but our life keep exist for our own selves.

but people agree with them.

so now that is problem.

they intimidate, and they forcing, and they intimidate.

so what was actually orginally should have been?

and what was bothering it?

focus to "fundamental original reality".

can't explain well.

but can understand? what i trying to saying?

before vaccine, before pandemic,

the world and our life before those unnecessary existed was what was actually ours own. that we should have been deserved.

but those ugly satanist leftist japan intimidate and forcing and life threatining.

oppression that unnecessary.

not exist unnecessary = actual reality.

so just let once imagine exclude leftist japan and agenda stuff.

just imagine.

world - leftist japan.

exclude them from world.

then what remain?

world that actually should have been. that remain.

not adding leftist japan.

world + leftist japan = bullshit insanity.

world = world.

should - leftist japan.

can understand??

world was existed for world.

our life existed for our selves.

but adding leftist japan it.

and it ugly.

then exclude leftist japan.

that is world what you should basis on.

and after that.

talk and speak truth.

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