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  • 작성자 사진Flament Olivier

their lying runs out and only remain their true color now.

their lying is debunked and runs out.

cheap and just their own interpretation.

their own manipulation.

their own justfying and their own crime.

so all that people and children who raped and murdered is leftist japan and who people aiding and support it.

so died.

people are lost their lives.


it is murder.

not a joke. and not a jerk.

it is just murder.

lying is debunked and runs out.


fucking end.

every truth is clearly exist.

they not even pretending.

only remain to them is just intimidate.

they just kill people and intimidate.

there is no lying.

you just looking at what happen now.

all genocide that already world is end.

what pick a side?

trying to vaccinating your self again?

and more ?

brain chip implant and nuclear water??

and sick and die but just fucking shut your mouth and keep pretending?

this world started kill humanity.

and history is going end now.

resist and

make sure.

while these all insanity, maybe it could be the real end of humanity itself.

not just you die and people die.

humanity it self is could be end.

so, while these situation.

make sure.

what you really wanted.

how you will treat yourself?

just being jerk and joke and giving up and revealing your true color and aiding support demons and kill all others?

fucking we know what is fucking democracy is.

what the fuck people. what is wrong with you.

people wasn't like this.

people was great. but what the fuck is this now.

you are not that cheap and loser like this.

people wasn't like this. people were more great and more powerful and strong more than this.

speak and claim.

just naturally.

it is just of course.


so do violence and killing children then that is what winner? that people saying.

that is win.

really? then will you kill children?

that is just crime and murder.

pedophiles saying that is win.

but what the fuck is your own opinions?

losers and jerks follow it.

they are just something failure human being.

just something fucking psychopath.

why care?

did they win?

if they achieve to their crime.

then it means they did crime.

that is what is means.

what the fuck.

why fucking praise it?


it is intimidate and coward.

it is not people fucking fooled or believe their lying.

it is not people "don't know".

they know.

and they acting like that.

fucking just agree with them and praise it.

that is what that person's true color that they always been.

just fucking huge disappointment.


just give them to 1 wow.

kill children piece by pieces and they are laughing with it.

they aiding and support it.

for more children death.

they not just agree with them.

they aiding and support their crime.

for actual children death.

and all that genocide.

that may could completely end and bankrupt someone's life for good.

getting sick. and die. and blood clot and strokes, heart attack. all cost that treatment and cure. actual damage.

and fucking nuclear waste water ocean and nuclear war threat.

they fucking aiding and support it.

they want kill all others.

they think all others must should die.

for just only for their loser jerk mind.

and they aiding support satanists that leftist japan they control and manipulate and instructions.

then people agree with it feel like their lying is real.

trying to make kill all others purposely.

they want murder and rape and genocide.

they only want hate and jealousy.

and they purposely do.

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