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  • 작성자 사진Flament Olivier

there is many thing want to know. what was the real truth??

what i most wonder is.

when we just end the satan and all their purpose.

what will happen? literally .

think about. there is satan demons control everything.

there is too much wondering.

only way to know the real truth.

first of all there is demons.

world was different than we thought.

it wasn't fucking world that we knew.

just world. and there is fucking land and ocean and planet.

but how we know? we just heared while everything is in under control of satan demons.

then there is nothing is sure and certain.

it confirmed.

every control and oppression and lying.

demons existence is confirmed.

now we should know.

all rest part.

vaccine? and all politics?. all lying and fake.

what world do, trend. all just lying and not a real.

Antarctica and flet earth is still just suspious part.

nothing is confirmed, and we don't know.

and at least we find out.

that about "we don't know".

it was not determined truth.

about everything.

world was different. and world was under control.

but one thing revealed.

the demons.

where is all rest part.

that we must should care only one focus.

claim vaccine damage.

it not unrealistic at all.

it is seriously realistic.

bring down joe biden and zelensky and japan.

and let see what next.

and bring down again when it have same purpose.


there is no side anymore.

should go straight to truth and reality.

something realistic thing is just naturally go into unrealistic part too.

just claim what is real.

vaccine damage, and all fraud scam treason of democrats ugly japanese shitty celebrities.

bring down them

and let take something fucking real.

vaccine scam. that damage. real damage that you people taken.

it is real. what is else more be fucking real than this?

they injecting bio weapon.

nuclear waste water dump.

what else need more than this real.

all that children and baby death for fun game.

and all fucking gibberish lying ugly shitty retarded leftsit japan bullshit???

for distracting and not care about real truth?

while fucking we facing real truth now.

world that we knew was different.

it is serious and also most fascinating thing ever somehow.

why not.

why not fucking resist and uncovering ultimate truth.

while facing something real shit.

make stop fucking joe biden fake president that just clown and actor.

why keep pretending?

there is no pretending!!!!

all that money laundry and war crime that they do for their own profit.

all crime and murder rape of guantanamo people.

celebrities means guantanamo.

and psychopath japanese and ugly fucking money following thoughtless people.

let's bring down them.

let see.

what is real.

huge technological gap exsit.

means we not living in fucking actual reality.

we trapped in something past trivial uncivilized state.

and something unknown force playing and messing around.

and that vaccine mrna bullshit something.

we don't even know.

do you know what is nano tech and mrna shit?

and they obssessive about change our dna.

can't even predict what is behind of this.

so they change DNA .

but why.

what will be their purpose with it?

there is no way to know.

but just bring down it.

anyways evil children killing psychopath doing for their own profit.

then just don't need.

brain chip? digital currency? all thing is same.

what they doing thing that we will not doing thing.


why fucking follow???

is that your doing thing??

if not.

then it is someone other douche doing thing.

it only exist for some douche from what they want to do.

then that douche is not our concern at all. right?

then fucking shut off .

anyways we don't know what they doing.

but it is not our doing thing, it is something fucking psychopath doing thing.

then just shut off.

world is.

how we should accept and understand this world correctly?

there is some douche doing control everything.

and that douche is not us.

then we don't need.

that is point.

clear. and obvious.

whatever fucking trend is what we need,

but that all just belong to who manipulate and control and instruct.

then it is not for us.

100% . then do not agree or follow.

but what is your individual life while these all bullshit.

that is precede first.

and let's find out what was real humanity truth and this world.

just kill satan and let's yelling.

where is all rest part?!!

anyways it will nice.

think about.

satan death then conclusion is same.

it is good anyways.

no bothering anymore.

main focus is this.

"digital currency" "vaccination" "chip impalnt" "AGENDA"

basically, it means just whatever world do.

just resist to world whatever do.

whatever world do is 100% what demons do.

every rest part is actually all just same.

but once realize vaccine was wrong. then all rest part is easy.

all just same.

everything exsit for some demons profit only.

and our life was didn't needed anything and was fine good always been.

but they adding bullshit.

news media is full of bullshit.

nothing to get earn.

it all satanist children killing for their fun.

they want news that trying to intimidate people that they killing children for their fun.

they purposely doing that.

trying to purposely revealing what they did.

and intimidate people.

for make us silence.

shut off fucking bullshit is most important.

so there is no news in this world.

admit this fact.

and poltical stance or what is going on this world?

it is evil agenda that whatever they do.

media news is just only exist for check lying.

what is their want to brainwash is.

so resist is only way to our living and surviving.

whatever world do that we will not do then anyways it fine.

because whatever world is fucking psychopath satanist children killing brain fucked people.

whatever world do, it is someone others profit but never it is not for you.

nothing is for you.

and you are just puppet robot douche retarded consume by them.

that is reality.

there is no pick a side.

pick a side means fucking retarded and idiot. that just have no ability to thinking or exist.

become part of system. and become robot.

that is consequent that already determined.

there is "path" you can step on.

and you once follow that direction.

thoughtless => chip implant.

naturally. universe follow basic rules.

you go to that direction, you facing consequence.

thoughtless, being retarded, no soul, don't have any opinions, just follow anything trend, become part of system.

= brain chip implanted puppet robot.

but it feel like so much something obvious and naturally.

amazing. think about. of coursely people have no thought then accept anything and become robot puppet.

but of coursely.

just fucking of course.

if you are the person who have clear opinion and clear mind, clearly claim your rights.??

it fucking of coursely not get chip implant or anything like that bullshit.

because have thought and mind.

but people who don't have thought and mind.

just easily fool and accept anything look like trend and profit.

and just fucking brain chip implanting for them selves like douche reatarded and easily fool.

and become "actual" robot.

in actual fucking reality. actual. reality.

not just fucking metaphor.

actually thoughtless fucking scumbags and retarded just injecting vaccine bio weapon to themselves and fucking brain chip implanting them selves.

how living life like that fucking thoughtless fucking byung sin???

and become actual robot?? what a fucking joke.

and obviously they will attempt selling this like hot something brand new human 2.0 transhumanism for just same like LGBTQ+ mind.

somethinig just trend and something douche trend.

and media just gibberish all day fucking what they get paid.

all rest part is same to vaccine.

it is something universe.

just like old fairy tale and curse.

parents told to kids,

hey! if you keep lazy like that! then you will turn in to robot!!

and fucking that is real.

it flow naturally that way.

direction is important. that your path.

it will facing inevitabely the consequence.

keep thoughtless and keep just pick a side and keep acting like puppet who follow anything look like trend.

=> become robot.

of course.

do not being fucking leftist japan douche retarded is most valueble.

it is real and human being.

but being leftist japan is something ugly and perish.

it obvious.

once fooled that vaccine bio weapon and fool again? and again? and again?

and become robot.


don't get brainwashed.

that is real. that is only real.

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