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there is nothing about pick a side. but should need to stop those japanese crime insanity. with all together.

작성자 사진: Flament OlivierFlament Olivier

should stop japanese oppression.

not living in that oppression and accept that oppresion.

but also encourage this.

and allow to them power to kill you.

that possibly not going well. it is bring bad consequences.


and how can trust japanese?

they are psychopath. they kill baby and mocking it.

shouldn't think there is "compromise" is exist.

that is not a choosable option to baby eating psychopath.


should speak up.


should accuse japanese crime. and should stop their ugly evil plan.

there is nothing.

already think about.??

people get shoted and die everyday.

wild fire burn just in front of your eyes.

right there.

plane crush.

stabbing shoted people.

celebrities fall from hotel.

it is wrong.

it is really not right.

and people vaccinated. damaged.

should accuse it officially.

can't ignore this. and can't encourage this.

thing is going wrong.

and should speak up.


do not fear anything.

it is for humanity.

shouldn't agree with japanese. do not encourage their crime.

crime is just crime.

and now. that keep going worse and worse.

need to stop this.

maybe you could think. it is not your problem?? or you are not super hero.

but. should speak up.

everyone is in same danger and living in that life threatning.

that is why people also do obey and want to be safe.


if we keep allow this insanity.

of coursely it will going wrong and worse.

so that is why. everyone should speak up.

in nowadays. that is issue.

anyone who exist? who not take life threatning from japanese?

everyone take life threatning danger from japanese.

and should accuse it.

why should worry about those "happen" thing.

bad news. people die everyday.

and can't ignore this.

people. let's speak up and fight back.

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