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  • 작성자 사진Flament Olivier

there is nothing i can do? when world end. because you think yourself is nothing?

do you know what..?

when humanity facing end.

every pretending fake mask torn off.

you know.

we thought there is fame and success and something.

famous and celebrities and powers and leaders and bullshit.

but just look at truth.

omg i can do anything!! for fame!!

but when over 70% of humanity vaccinated bio weapons and desperately die with war and pandemic.

you think yourself is nothing.

omg~~ im just nothing~~im just employees~~ i can't ~~ i don't save world~~ that is not my concern~~ omg~~

but when some skinny bitch pass over you.

then you will get mad.

omg!! how could!!! must kill that bitch!!!!

but when people die and chlidren get raped and shoted.

you always talk like LGBTQ+ and caring person like care about gay faggots.

but exatly when children missing kidnapping murder raped shoted cooked piece by pieces.


you just shut your mouth and do nothing.

because you think that is not your concern.

omg~~ that is not.... why i care??... that is not my cocern. maybe another super hero will do!!

so you are nothing.


fame and money and success. despreatley pursuing that like psychopath.

but when humanity die and going end.

you think yourself is nothing.

you know your place very well. suddenly.

omg!! i will be superstar!! super famous!! and get rich!! and powerful!! omg!!! no one can't better than me!! im the best!!!

i will hurting others and get my chance!!! for be the something!!

hey. world is going end. people murdered and children raped.

people die everyday. day by day.

even now. keep die and die. everyone is collapse down and war is there.

war is trying to expansion it. and nuclear. and pandemic. and more bio weapon vaccine.


omg! im just employees!! there is nothing i can do!!!

you can speak truth for others.

you can speak truth for dead raped children.

who shoted and cooked while in leftist mocking.

there is plenty fucking of thing you can do.

speak truth and inform every others.

too many of plenty of thing you should do.

do some effort and speak up.

you know.

famous celebrities.

they feel like.

omg~ ... we care about world~~ guys~~ we care about world and shits~~~


when fucking world war 3 and massive violence happens.

then. just there is nothing.

they were superstar. and super famous. feel like they are super hero~

care about some shits~~

and we just... woaah~ agree with you~~

but when situation get real.

then fucking there is reality.

reality of truth.

very cruel and brutal.

omg i don't want die!!!! by piece by piece~~ by japanese~~~

omg otani wins~~~ and shogun dominated~~~!!

and you know what?

they were super star. super famous~ and do some care about politics.

omg guys ~ we must care about beautiful political correctness shit~~~

for euality~~~ and diversity~~ oh shit~~ we care about those value~~~~

oooh~~ y eaaah~~

but when people die. and children get raped.

when situation get real.???

then those are fucking nothing.

just absurd.

they obey and no one can't resist.

and most of them is actually same team of pedophiles.

and rest of them is don't want die.


fuck it.. we should speak truth anyways.

for our selves.

who gives a shit to people??

no one.

media news not function.

goverment not function.

politicians leaders. companise. famous. celebrities.

we should speak up truth with our self.

and "them" is who should follow after us.


we are the actual reality.

and they are the who just only do pretending.

and we decide things.

then media news will talk after you.

after you.

not you obey to media news.

you speak truth. then they will speak truth following after you.

omg!! there is children sex trafficking!!!

media news says no.

but keep beating it!!!

then now at least diddy is revealed on official.

you say first.

then media news follow after you.

and politicians will follow after you.

and then? all rest of garbatges celebrities clowns and fuckers will follow after it.

that is truth.

"you" speak first from your side first.

then this ugly world will follow after you.


not there is media news provide to you "their propaganda"

you speak things.

then media news is actually.

who scumbags pretenders who follow after you.

because you are the something real.

you are the best.

and you are the first.

you are the trend.

you are the who decide what is trend.

speak truth.

then all rest of this garbage world will follow after you.

you know.

pointless fuckers. full of shit pretenders.

that is what people are.

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