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thinking about what is demon method.

작성자 사진: Flament OlivierFlament Olivier

demons acting little bit weird.

they already have all power to kill huamanity but why they don't just kill us?.

literally "already" there is no point. because they own everything and that is all.

world is under control of demons illuminati.

and they are too much obssessive and psychotic about oppressing humanity.

and they have all power and control.

so it quite feel desperate. is it really we even have hope? if they just do.

anyways psychopath choice happen first from their side.

and they just do. then what is point?

but also what is most ugly part is,

they trying to make us to agree with them.

what their method is.

when presume what we went through.

there was quite manything "didn't happened".

it is weird. didn't happened itself is weird.

because those demons don't have any reason or limit about what they doing. they can kill humanity anytime they want already.

already. but didn't happened itself is werid thing.

they trying to see people agree or not.

and some people are complaning about why not happen.

but it happen then it late. of coursely shouldn't happen.

and it is prevented. not happen is not blame for, not happen then you should appreciate.

and seems there is those demons have all power,

but i was wonder, why they not just do?

me resist or not all humanity resist or not.

that have no point, because anytime they want, they can do.

but they didn't.

can understand? they can kill humanity anytime they want.

but it seems follow agreement.

when people agree with it. then they justfying. and they do.

they trying to make everything our own fault.

it just same method what japan doing.

and everything according to people's agreement.

but they have already all power.

it not make sense. they already have all power they can do anything.

but they just purposely pull off agreement from people.

so notice this method and beware.

do not agree with especially japan.

people could know and went throught it.

everytime you people agree with them.

every incident happen and going forward.

shut off leftist japan completely.

but, so i said.

"what you did is what you did."

those demons and japan trying to make blame and justfying.

they always effort.


what you did is what you did. <- this one sentence can kill demons.

objectivity is precede than your ugly fraud method.

so what is important is.

demons are wrong at first place in beginning of universe.

i want to claim. but that is just fact.

choice happen first. you already determined about your action.

conequence of action passing by justfying.

but even it is also just "what you did is what you did."

in all process of "what 'you' doing"

means "you". you are the fucking bullshit.

there is choice is yours, choice of justfying is yours, consequence of action is yours.

and just "all fucking thing" is just all yours. your. yours. it's very own. your fuck face.

you fucking shitty retarded.

if you feel hate and jealousy then you can able to murder and rape?.

of coursely not.

so if you feel not good and kill people. ?? we call it murder and crime.

and think about vaccine.

they did disinformation and manipulation and mandated.

but what they saying is, you agree with vaccination from your self so that is your fault.

can you agree with this?

of coursely not.

speak claim.

vaccine damage, joe biden mandate, media disinformation, big tech manipulationa and censorship.

before people vaccination , but there was all kind of fraud and brainwash and intimidate was exist.

people can't reach to correct information, and if not vaccinated then losing a job and money, but what they did is what they did.

resist and awake quick and fast.

shut off leftist japan.

psychopath people just killing humanity now.

according to aiding and support to your own murderer.

your agreement.

they justfying it.

and they already have all power and they can kill humanity anytime they want.

but why it can prevented? preventing itself is weird and not exist.

but prevented manytimes.

do not give them agreement and justfying.

those psychopath have that thought.

"omg!! it is your fault!! you agreed with this!! it is now your fault!!!"

they purposely acting like this.

shut off it.

and it just same to what japan doing.

just psychopath criminals who want justfying themselves about what they doing.

but what they did is what they did.

from choice to justfying to consequences. every process is "what you did is what you did."

"omg i feel hate!! now i can able to kill!!!!"

we call it crime and psychopath.

nobody said you can kill people. but you did. that is yours.

think about it.

if those demons just didn't do vaccine bullshit at first place?

it only matter. if you don't. then that is all.

just don't, from your side first at first place.

and they claim blame and justfying. after they choice of their crime and do crime.

but objectivity is.

blame and justfying is just exist for your comfort of ugly mind.

and all sin and crime is completely belong to yours.

100% fact.

common sense.

blame and justfying is some kind of their theory.

see the situation.

they "already" have power to kill.

but seems they worry about justfying.

they can kill humanity anytime they want already.

but they care about cause and justfying.

but "what you did is what you did."

means, you don't have cause, and you don't have justfying.

and people, just speak. and claim. vaccine damage

why you people just shut the fuck up??

there is vaccine scam and joe biden treason and media disinformation and japan intimidate and word twisting. and people dying and children dying.

and they just want blame and justfying and your agreement.

speak truth and resist.

those psychopath getting more worse.

if you people pretending.

then those aspergeres actually "believe" they are right.

those psychopath think they are right.

do not give them to pretending.

just even simply saying.

'hey, i don't think so."

'that is not right.'

just at least speak anything just about denying and do not pretending.

if you pretending. then those psychopath aspergers think that is real.

they can't recognize what is real or not.


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situation briefieng. 2025 02 22.

current situation = "enemy occupied."









whatever rest of crime and events and accident ="it keep happens" because of your "let's make it happen" support and obey to japan.

explain. (somehow you must explain this!!!)

"don't need your cowardness."

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