it could be difficult to accept.
"world itself is lying"
"then what we should do??!".. like.
but that worry and concern could be mean,
"what we should pick a side to who? for our employeed minion slave puppet mind"
is that your worry?
check your mind more closely.
there is no your side. not exist. this world killing you.
if you pick a side, and trying to find just new master who you sereve.
then they will give you vaccination and digital oppression.
can understand?
what is exactly fundamentally wrong???
that you people never trying to throw away your slave mind.!!
never think your self is something worth and you are the owner of your own life.
and you worry about trying to how to being keep slave for other power and oppression.
too much get used to it.
so you brainwashed and you don't know what is freedom is.
because you can't even think about your existence that you are living in free.
you don't know and you didn't expericened what freedom is.
there was vaccination that elites tyranny did attacked on us.
and how people just not don't know?? or pretending??
just admit quick and fast.