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  • 작성자 사진Flament Olivier

this world have only one single issue.

illuminati doing things. and we don't want.

that is earth history.

except this. there is nothing exist.

what is elites illuminati doing things. have point?

if you just do things what you want to do. anyways.

real truth is.

when we live life.

just focus to ourselves and do only our things.

ignore is answer. not indifferent. basis on knowing. and ignore them. denying them.

people. know the illuminati and cut off what they doing.

and just people each others help and respect and live well.

omg! there is covid!! there is vaccine!! there is war!! there is ecnomic collapse!!! there is gun shoot!! there is incident!!


just no.

your own bullshit.

feel like #get the fuck off illuminati.

#anyways illumnati doing things.


gun shoot happnes?? go to media articles

and saying only one thing.

#anyways illuminati doing things.

#anyways intended.

#anyways manipulation.

#anyways bullshit of yours.

politicians saying we must do 15 min city!!!

then just we need only speak one thing.


#anyways illuminati doing things.

#anyways intended.

#anyways manipulation.

#anyways bullshit of yours.

except this.

there is any other objective answer exist???


if we go into objectivity.

anyways you illuminati doing bullshit.

and there is nothing to we talk about.

except , "anways you want to do that? right??"

because that is correct and objectivity.

that is actual reality.

not a anyone's delusion. but when it is actual reality.

this world have only one single issue.

illuminati doing things. and we don't want.

that is earth history.

except this. there is nothing exist.

politics? world crisis? human history.?? future of humanity??

just end earth. don't need this.

there is many incident and events.

that just you doing things.

may you want people care about that like entertainment.? that you created.

but what if we don't need "you".

not your things to do. what you occuring events and incidents.

but what if just directly into problem.

what is problem??

not problem about you illuminati want to make us think about problem.

real problem.

what if just only matter is you just should not exist.

because don't need.

there is event.

and there is some unknown force who occuring it.

then what is matter?

event is matter?


some force that occuring all those event, is matter.

that is what objectively we should talk about.

it is unknown or not.

anyways there is.

then anyways stop that part.


we don't know or not.

there is specifically we don't know which force doing that.

but anyways there is.

then im talking to that unkown actual force.

just don't

because don't need what you doing.

it is not important. about i don't know or not.

anyways all things purposely happens.

then exactly don't do that part.

exactly that part.

have knowledge or not.

anyways we don't need anything about you doing things consequently.


can those illuminati's illuminati's illuminati or something.

can understand this???

satan or drako or whatever.

can understand this?

regarldess knowledge.

just don't need. that all kind of manipulated fake false events. and all things. that just anyways you will do. and very pointless and meaningless all those things.

just you want and you dream that. then just go painting on the wall and do that infinately.

or just get some hobby.

your very own just only for you.

not spreading bullshit to others.

if you have fine technology or something.

then just make yourself can able to get the fuck off from this world.

if you want control or domination. then create fiction for yourself or make some virtual game or something. with your fine saturn black cube. you have that kind of technology then you can do that.

or make you dream yourself alone. there will be no difference.

you can able to get the fuck off from humanity is technically possible things.

that is correct.

resist is this.

illuminati doing things. vaccine happened.

then we should talk about vaccine is safe or not?

no we don't need to be experts or knowledge actually.

what we should know is illuminati doing those things. for oppression.

so whatever they do.

we should naturally speak like this.

"what? vaccine? covid? all that thing just illuminati want to do. just don't care. "

this kind of conversation should become very natrually and normal between people.

then we can defeat demons.

so well informed and speak truth.

awake others too.

and they also trying to make situation then. just blame only illuminati.

when gun shoot incident happens.

then people talk about fight each others with argue about guns.

but we actually should just talk about only one thing.

"illuminati doing that thing because they want."

that part is only what we should get mad.

only one thing.

anyways illuminati doing things. that is what we should get mad, and claim, and complaining and blame.

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