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  • 작성자 사진Flament Olivier

throw away japan tessa violet crime trend.

what you can see from television and internet.

all organized japanese psy op hired clowns and brainwashed leftist and gang criminals manipulation and just shit they talking.

clear up those garbages.

focus to common sense and truth what i saying.

and completely cut off

"japan tessa violet based scenario".

"leftist political stance."

"criminals trend and crime opinions".

do not obey to these of thing because fear japanese stabbing shot cook missing kidnapping people and piece by pieces.

that everywhere you can see.

for japanese psy op.

talk about this FACT.

focus to opposite of these satanist cult operation.

it is easy.

there is real world. and truth. only belong to me and common sense. and objectivity.

make people remind this.

someone : omg i think japanese is nice people....??

hey. you are "intimidated". you take intimidate from japanese.

so you fear.

it is black mailing and intimidate and life threatning.

someone : omg??... was it??... intimidate??.. no.. but that was trend...??...

hey. you are intimidated.

"intimidate" because keep bad thing happen and children killed.

someone : omg.. but japan said they didn't.?? japan didn't. japan is not a bad guys. japan didn't!!!

really? but japan did. they also did admit. but why you acting like that?

someone : omg japan didn't!!! another guy did!! it is must be russia propaganda!!!! and china spy!!! but not a japan!! it must be not a japanese!!! because i don't want die!!! in piece by pieces "by japanese"!!!!

so russia did~~~ and china did~~ but only one thing

japan didn't. ??? why?

there you go. you said "truth." right there.

make people remind this fact.

you can say russia did.

you can say china did.

but you can't say japan did it.

because japan killed children.

right there.

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