10,000 future doctors to train on health impacts of 'climate change'
so now those "educated" experts will kill people.
and maybe they say
omg?! why you blame me!!!? we just did something what instructed!!!
and they kill you anyways.
so world is not run by common sense but AGENDA basis on.
and employees experts and officials they work for satanic AGENDA but no one talk about it.
then those people just do their work and do their job for kill people.
but if when people speak up truth.
then they feel like they offended.
that all same. so inform all others and talk about satanist illuminati is not a consprioucy theory.
but something you should talk about and care about because it relate about our life and death issue.
you can't just pretending and keep this in silent anymore.
blood clot is real and vaccine damage is exist.
denying fact is nothing solution.
but surviving is real trial we facing of death.
and there is no pretending or whatever.
speak up truth.
so think about when trained doctors and compromised doctors.
or trained media news journalist. compromise news.
when trained soldier and compromised military.
then we all die.
all same thing.
speak truth. there is no experts or educated trained officials.
it all they work in satanic job for WHO and WEF and WFP and CDC and FDA and they kill us!!!
speak up truth!!!