should appealing that "disappointment" how we feel from those people.
when they trying to turn into demons.
should correct it.
no! you didn't like this before. but now you acting very violenceful and weird!! you feel like different person. and very disappointing at you.
should say it.
becuae if we silence?
then they literally just go for rape children.
should keep people in sanity. there is demons psy op threat everyone now.
people all gone insane and shrink with fear and don't know how should do.
there is very slient panic in between people. i felt it.
people have fear. frightened. becaues keep creepy thing happens.
but only way to make yourself feel like powerful.
so you join to it. trying to want to feel safe.
but that is exactly point
when think about vaccine.
when you agree with it. you are the victims.
so we should notice it quick and fast.
demons know how you will act and think and feel.
japanese psy op . it is psy op.
so they know.
they know how you will act and feel and think.
shouldn't fool by japanese.
first of all.
completely exclude japan tessa violet from reality. that is very urgent treatment.
because that psy op keep affect on your mind.
and because we know japan is the villain who doing crime.
so we can also usefully can using them for tracking truth.
even more. not just protect our selves.
but also we can tracking them down and attack them and can using them with useful way.
because every japanese lying. including their intention and purpose.
so that is useful information we can get earn.
and should kill it.
never forget what they did to humanity.
all that abusing and intimidate and control like people like puppet.
and ugly bullshit trend. creepy pedophile word joke and their pedophlie trend.
we should speak it.
and should make people compromise to it.
there is nothing good for people compromise to japaense.
just look at brazil.
how that is "win"????
brazil is dead.
every children in brazil. they get death sentence from compromised pedophile judge.
and can't access to information and reality.
when there is global children sex trafficking crime and fraud election happened.
who can save them????
they die.
children die.
japanese will literally eating out their children and baby.
with free.
where is fucking "win???"
win for what??
that also americans SCOTUS decide law about trand kid rights.
children dick cut off surgery is legal.
that is win? for who? for pedophiles???
people. leftist. listen. leftist.
do you need that?
leftist. you don't need that. you don't need to agree to those trans kid dick cut off surgery.
you don't need.
if you need it?? then you have problem. seriously.
they doing psy op on children.
#trans kid rights?
that just same thing to what we went throught, "let's make it happen"
and black out challenge that in between teeanage when they think that is trend.
they kill themselves.
and #trans kid rights.
kids think that is trend.
japanese control them.
that really creepy.
"trend". our children and kid naively believe that.
but even our selves. grown ups also believe trend.
and what happened?
people died.
children died.
shouldn't make kids think those thing is trend.
they actually believe those things.
they have no ability to accept what is real or not.
but even ourselves.
so if when later.
kids who believed #trans kid rights.
they become teenage.
and they are gay.
you ask them to why you gay?
then they will say like this.
um..? because that was trend?....
then exactly who they are? they are gay? or they should had to do gay??
then it is not a gay or nothing. but who just should have to follow anything looks like trend.
they could be not a gay.
but who believe themselves is gay. because should have to do that for being trendy and famous.
then it literally empty nothing existence. that not even gay. but also can't say it is not a gay.
just empty.
feel like leftist.
then those people easily turn into criminals or rebelion groups of brainwashed army.
because have no any correct common sense and self-awarness in their mind.
people used to say. children is our future.
also children is meaning of our past.
that we lost. time that passed and can't never return. about "regret"
do not make our children went through same suffer you did.
that is also including for yourself
that you couldn't did before to your self.
that is how fix things correctly.
maybe your life is could be garbage.
but never make children same suffer like you.
then your past also can be correct.