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작성자 사진Flament Olivier

truth is revealed!!! but leftist did all murder with their own choice.!!!

historical truth revealing moment.

but ,

truth reveal or not.

fact is actually leftist didn't fooled at all.

that is point.

here is truth!! right there!!!! exactly right!! there!!!

leftist... but they already know.

nothing to saying.

just purposely kill others.

some delusional obssessive weird psyhopath.

it is not they confuse or doubt.

they just kill people because they want.

also media word twisting is letist already know that is their own murder for fun.

children get raped and died.

then they like it.

and they know they can kill children like that. purposely pretending.

agree with japan and leftist purposely and desperately.

trying to kill children for their fun.

so they did.

how many died? while over 2~3 years.

and all sudden death of vaccination.

and losing all chance that they could live.

and they don't even know why they died.

just live life with out recognition and just gone.

and leftist japan just did that for fun.

and now over 70% of humanity vaccinated and damaged.

will going sick dying and pox and smell and rotten.

for fun.

fun game~~~~!!!

leftist japan fun~~~ FUN~~~~~!

and people agree with them purposely.

that all your own choice of murder rape to women and children.

all your own murder with your own decide basis on your very clear understanding.

what is problem is.

there is no way to stop leftist killing rape women and children at all.

because that is not a they doubt or alleagations.

they just do kills because they want.

it just they kill people because they do.

don't need to you confuse or not.

they just do that. anyways.

because they want it.

and many people agree with them.


because they want see news that children get raped and killed piece by pieces. because they want.

and there is nothing way to stop them.

because that is just their own decision to do.

if psychopath "do" kill others. then they do.

that is point.

whatever they create reason and justfication.

they can make that anyways anytime they want. and they do.

it is not matter of justfication at all.

they just do kills. because they will do.

so why so many women and children get raped and died over while 2~3 years?

because you people do.

and just you do that.

because you want and you do.

that is all.

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