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  • 작성자 사진Flament Olivier

ugly demons imposter seriously dangerous. psychopath murderer.

tessa violet is psychopath and satanic pledged demons.

it is seriously dangerous.

and also japanese too.

some of are think psychopath murder crime is entertain.

they are different.

brain is completely insane and not a human being.

it is beast and demons.

they think fun.

and they can't feel fun and they feel boring.


they get bored.

when they not killing children anymore.

they only looking for primal stimulation and it more and more worse.

only beast level of priority. that means, killing children for fun.

that is what pedophile youtube employees and media employees that tessa violet satanic religion and japan nation doing.

and when they caught. they attempt war.

it seriously dangerous people tessa violet and japanese.

and people who agree with them is psychopath mental disorder people.

failed life, something failed to being human.

something different.

and media employees and youtube employees are psychopath.

they are part of huge satanic religion organization people.

not a human being.

it is children murder rape blood sucking something different being.

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