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  • 작성자 사진Flament Olivier

unknown entity that control humanity history.

the Ark of the Watcher is likely the key behind The Dentist's alleged "immortality", allowing him to reincarnate into a new body every now and then to continue with his plots and schemes.

is there anyone who played video game pay day 2 story.??

there is villain the dentist who represent evil master mind.

that expression is actual "demons" . that unknown entity who control all humanity history, through immortality and continuous reincarnate.

it is unrealistic. but clue is there. only clue secretly hiding behind fictions.

and also many movie or other videogame story have "common" expression.

and it is about, counsiousness transfer.

that digitalized copied human conciousness transter into others and another.

so according to payday 2 story, then villain who mastermind evil, call dentist planning trying to using aliens artifact and "possession" to US president.

possession means not just metaphor of demonic possessed.

when computer can read human brain electric signal, and when copying it and also over write and merge it to other person.

it is not that ocult and mysterious thing.

but that is satanist want those metaphor of "dark power" because they want to make them looks like fascinating.

and it can explained with technology.

and so who is the target??? of that possession. of coursely if according to payday 2 story line,

then we can presume about that "demons" who evil master mind could plan about possession himself on trump.

if typically can see.

but also,

recently alex jones talk about presidential 2028????

who suggested that???

i mean, alex jones you should becareful. those satanist have no joke.

you could be one of that candidate of "demon possession" means,

not a ghost possession, but with technology, that over write digitalized conciousness.

and if anyone who know about those "story" then need to explain.

about that artifact and method of transfering human conciousness into others.

and it is not aliens secret or mysterious demonic religious nephilme story.

it is about digitalized conciousness that technology just exist naturally in common.

so that is why i warn advice to alex jones,

believe god, but at same time, never believe god.

so illuminatni using method.

body double,


paid actors,

hollywood masks,



there is "consciousness transfer."

so it really we can't trust anyone.

if we see someone, that person could be not a same person.

so then it is trump is bad?


why evil master mind want to snatch body through conciousness transfer.

because trump is actual right and justice.

and demons want exactly that .

if it is not correctly justice then of coursely demons don't even attempt trying to snatching it.

of coursely.

what i means, trump is in possible potential danger about "demon possession".

it is about danger warnning.

but not means trump is wrong.

he is right.

and important thing is ourselves should have correct common sense and moral standard basis.

and never obey to anyone. because there is such danger exist.

that can possibly some person is could be no same person according to technology and many methods,

using body double, clone, actors, hollywood masks.

so if we aware this.

aware this is possible,

just like diddy wasn't same person. right?

and joe biden wasn't same person.

it all same context.

that danger is exist and we can aware it.

in nowadays,

that is what "in nowadays" is.

we living in fascinating era that we can't believe.

but obviously it is entering to completely new phase of history.

so let's aware this!!!

that can also prevent, that danger that trump have.

becaues if we speak truth and doubt it.

omg? is there any evil plan could be exist?? about trump could be replace into other person or many method including digitalized conciousness transfering into trump???

if we say this.

that can prevent that danger. and save trump. of coursely.

we should have to.

speaking truth is important.

and just doubt and discussion it.

just discussion.

omg? did you hear that? in 2030 computer can read human brain electric signals???

wow!! that kind of technology is exist?? that is fascinating?

and it have any danger about abused with crime purpose??

how it apply on crime?? maybe???

just discussion it. even if just talking and discussion.

that can have function of prevent.

so if we just "obey" to trump.

then demons can presume about their method.

they literally go for it, when there is "expectation".

just like same over again. it keep repeat.

when japan can expecting their crime sucess.

when leftist support and agree to them and acting fool.

then they keep occuring those incident.

it always same.

but if we doubt and tracking truth. and discussion.

that can be prevent.

just think about all japanese crime.

they did lying.

and people just agree and never attempt denying them.

then they literally go for their crime.

omg?!! seems it could be works!!! now go!!!

then stabbing murder rape and missing and kidnapping happen.

it is same mechanism.

should "speak up" fucking things.

so important thing is support trump but aware about danger.

and do not obey.

do not obey to anyone.

stop that attitude, that makes trump danger.

when people too much give full trust and "obey".

because demons want make people obey.

so respect trump as equally with yourself.

and just how we shoudl approach this issue?

we just make trump do his job he have should to do for americans.

basis on this mind set. democracy.

what i means.

not trying to too much obeying to trump.

because dangerous.

and then actually that behave make trump dangerous with actual.

so important thing is.

what we can see the problem from leftist?

what we can learn from their mistakes.

leftist was did just obey to joe biden.

and that occuring bring bad consequences.

we know it.

so let's we very smart.

and fix problem.

basis on "democrats did crime".

not becaue "we shoudl obey to trump"

that can save trump and prevent many danger.

when we behave basis on very correctly and clean.

and honest. and democracy. and so much kind~~~~~!!!!!!

we should have to!!!!

and fundamentally. just kill japanese.

that is best.

don't need to worry.

just murder japanese and beating japanese and cut off japanese.

then every problem can be solve.

*in my presume. (just presume)

they looking for another candidate for possession. that force merge concious on US president.

but i think trump is quite safe from this. because they already did too much bring down trump trust with themselves. not sure, but when see the they suddenly attempt operation on alex jones.

and they can't faking majority number of leftist who don't trust trump.

and that is why jd vance and alex jones is dangerous.

let's just aware this and keep it mind.

and focus on democracy that power belong to people.

and attack japanese. is very important. murder it.

and not obey to powers.

that is only way to prevent evil plan whatever it is.

so it is feel like this.

if we saying?

1. we must obey to trump!!! = then they could attempt merge conciousness on trump.

but if we say like this?

2. democrats did crime so they should arrested and die.!!!

then that can make prevent satanist operation on trump.

so it is not because we obey to trump

it is because democrats did crime.

focus on basis on this and speak truth.


additional presume

and also,

trump assassination attempt.

that trump actually survived.

with actual.

because satanist was preparing that "possession" operation.

trying to make trump accept "another spirit" on his consciousnes merge.

trump assassination attempt is purpose for faking trump himself.

not for anyone else.

but trump himself he literally survived. from bullet.

and i don't know method, but maybe magnet or something.

but that incident is exist for trump himself.

trying to make trump believe at something.

about "spirit possession".

trump was actually survived from actual bullet hit.

that is fact and purpose. for make trump accept "possession another spirit" on his mind.

on trump.

it is exist for faking trump himself. not for faking anyone else.

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