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  • 작성자 사진Flament Olivier

vaccine bio weapon warfare and financial fraud scam of elites and big pharma.

inform yourself. and inform ohters too.

vaccine wasn't vaccine.

that injection what was that. nobody knows.

not a medicine. not for covid.

it didn't stopped covid but it injected to a humanity.

this is serious you should concern about.

nothing is important but that vaccine is something very werid.

think about, you get covid vaccne but you get covid?

then what is vaccine purpose??

that is what now we should focus.

people knew it as "vaccine"

but it wasn't even vaccine. because it didn't stopped the virus.

and it wasn't for virus. it not works on covid.

but it mandated.

then what the hell is that injection purpose??

what was that materials????

what over 70% of humanity thought that was medication against corona virus. but it didn't stopped virus.

then why. humanity should have to injected that werid thing.

that we don't know what even that material or purpose.

this is focus.

experts or not everyone. who human being must focus to this.

why not speak or talk about it?!

this is fucking serious.

and think about even from evil strucutre if you are one of who compromised to evil.

but do you even know?? what the fuck is that vaccine fucking things??

they do evil and aiding support evil.

but do you even know? what vaccine is?

while you do evil.

do you even have been thought??

what vaccine will be???

that fucking no one know. that is funny.

people injected. they don't know

and antivaxxers also don't know what that fucking thing is.

and evil who do that. they don't know too.

no one know. what that fucking thing is.

but why illuminati should have to. trying to injecting that thing to humanity?

but what is most simple fact.

that is not a medicine and not a vaccine and not for covid and that is bring sick and death.

and we know about we don't know what vaccine actually is.

so speak truth. this is completely bio weapon terror and warfare.

also financial fraud scam from elites and big pharma companies.

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