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  • 작성자 사진Flament Olivier

we can see what is "function" of vaccine.

so israel war is also not going well.

then using vaccine bio weapons.

just military purpose for killing.

keep speak truth!!

you can see.

when israel can't kill gaza people with firearm weapons?

they using vaccine.

instead of firearm weapons.

because it is alternative weapons.


vaccine is bio weapons.

means same like firearms guns and missiles.

same function.

that is fact.

JERUSALEM (AP) — A campaign to inoculate children in Gaza against polio and prevent the spread of the virus began on Saturday, Gaza’s Health Ministry said, as Palestinians in both the Hamas-governed enclave and the occupied West Bank reeled from Israel’s ongoing military offensives.

Children in Gaza began receiving vaccines, the health ministry told a news conference, a day before the large-scale vaccine rollout and planned pause in fighting agreed to by Israel and the U.N. World Health Organization. The WHO confirmed the larger campaign would begin Sunday.

so vaccine stopped the war???

so vaccine is peace?

they want that story.

but no.

of coursely they ciese fire. because there is vaccine.

using bio weapons. instead of firearm weapons.

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