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weird surpressed loser mind that people having.

작성자 사진: Flament OlivierFlament Olivier

what should must throw away is loser mind.

werid loser mind like never trying to admit others.

people feel like not feel comfortable about if not others must suffer and miserable like your own self.

so that leftist japan psychopath just constantly attacking people.

for their weird loser mind. and many losers and jerks just relate with it.

what people agree with them is they are fundamenatlly same.

if there is something.

then people not admit it.

and ugly demon mind is there.

it must bring down!!

they not admit everything.

just endless hate and jealousy.

and make sure.

compassion and kindness is not when you can be arrogant.

when just naturally.

people trying to finally they can little bit kind when only they can feel arrogant and safe.

what people means feel safe is,

others are not fine and they must break down, then after that,

people feel they are safe.

that.. so much coward.

am i safe??? did those people are not fine ? and they damaged?? oh my god.. finally...~~ i can feel im safe...


see close your mind.

there is super coward ugly byung sin exist.

pull off it and kill it.

leftist japan using it.

they affect and interact their demon mind to yours.

so that's why people too much trying to purposely they pretending mocking others.

they prepare that attitude first.

they are ready for arrogant well.

because trying to secure safety.

mocking and ruin others first. then after that.

they feel they are safe.

but that weird loser mind no one know.

what is that?

normally nobody care about you.

you can very safe and okay to get the fuck off.

just throw away shitty attitude and cowardness. and filthy ugly expectation about chance.

do thing natrually. just not following others instructions.

there is psychopath global child sex trafficking group of people exist.

their trend and their perception.

do not living in their psychopath mind world.

common sense.

psychopath trying to make trend then why fucking trying to living in there?

are you want to belong to some psychopath satanist pedophiles??

feel like you can belong to cool thugs. get earn profit and win and succeed?

then finally get earn confidence??

live the fucking reality and common sense.

you can have confident with out trying to pick a side to children rape and killing psychopath.

satan demons trying to fool you.

they whispering.

omg~ god just ask you too much but there is no return.

god will never care you and god will betray you~

just be easy and comfort~~~

all that demon whispering.

there is blame about god and there is weakness and there is demons fraud.

what is important is not you trying to get earn something from god.

do not fool by demons.

do not expecting plus.

but you should care about your minus.


maybe people will have same blame to me.

omg!! you just ask manything righteousness and goodness!!

but you not giving me anything!! i will hate you!!!!

why i should give to you? for what? my attention? or click like button and subscribe below.??

do not think i ask you to much.

it's just fine and okay.!!!! just admit and respect others.!!

i just trying to save you.

from demons take away you from everything.

what i saying is not you should get earn something.

you should prevent your minus that leftist japan consume your mind and souls.

there is no fight for get earn or plus.

it is fight for you not losing from demons.

what i mean, you should resist is,

not for you get earn something.

pls just stop fool by psychopath demons!!!

they killing you all.

it is not fight for how get earn +

it is fight for how can prevent -

and this is so realistic issue.

vaccinated. then.?

get earn blood clot and should buy cure from same big pharma company?

demons killing you.

agree with whatever all their agenda and psy op.

you keep losing.

for resist what should do?

just shut off leftist japan and all world agenda stuff.

and just be your self well.

if someone trying to brainwash you.

then just check there is negativity or justfying or blame or labeling exist.

and just saying.

i don't think that is right.?

just you believe that , but do not forcing it.

and just shut off them and never care them ever again.

exclude them completely.

speak is impoartant.

don't even need to speak well.

just saying. speak.

hmm.. that is wrong.

that is not right.


i don't think so.

even for this can stop world war 3 and vaccination and chip implant and everything.

can save the children with just simple speaks.

but if agree with them or give them pretending.

then those psychopath immedietly they believe,

they actually believe your pretending for real.

they can't recnognize what is real or not.

then they immedietly kill rape women and children for fun.

completely shut off them. they are seriously dangerous.


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situation briefieng. 2025 02 22.

current situation = "enemy occupied."









whatever rest of crime and events and accident ="it keep happens" because of your "let's make it happen" support and obey to japan.

explain. (somehow you must explain this!!!)

"don't need your cowardness."

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