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  • 작성자 사진Flament Olivier

what is exactly actually going on now?? in this earth. to us.

many government will attempt like,

"we didn't forced anything about vaccination"

they will attempt vaccination is not their fault.

and not a media fault or not a big tech cencorship fault.

but it is just your fault.

they will attempt that.

not trying to losing money.

and also

"no vaccine causualty"

that's why chemical leaked purposely. they did that with operation.

same like for gun control. democrats kill shool children purposely.

world works like that.

and also that mRNA change your DNA.

that is also one of trick of they trying to attempt.

"your DNA changed. so legally you can't have human rights."

they will attempt all bullshit for trying to covering their crime.

so they preparing also world war 3.

they just want get earn all profit from killing people.

now they trying to saying, "it is your fault"

that is what democrats and leftist.

that is world you believed.

they turn against you if you not a profit.

those psychopath are really have no jokes.

so we shouldn't take this situation like joke.

it is really cruel. and anti-social psycho crime.

crime against to a humanity.

it is really huge. and that's why keep saying end time.

situation really hopless.

so shouldn't wasting time.

and what is most you should fear is.

when they just keep injecting you vaccination. and they control food. and they control 5G. and also brain chip implant. the marks of beast.

that is most worse.

so speak truth. and resist. and at lest... do not aiding them.

just stop that.

if you can't resist. that means you are one of them.

you get earn something from them. and you trying to not losing it.

should cut off them. those pedophile supporters.


situation is really not good.

it is not for stress.

just same. speak truth.

and when people claim their rights.

just do samething what you always did.

but this time is real fight...

just do samething like when you claim gay trans rights.

about vaccination and actual crime and fraud election.

there is no difference. but you will feel difference.

they killed all people with word twisting.

and they killed people with vaccination.

children raped and murdered.

that is not you shrink about.

that is what you should resist about.

that is what you should get mad.

that is what you should offended.

that is what you should claim about just same like when you yelling at trans rights to a people.

do that.

just like that.

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