so let's check about what is exactly humanity history is going on.

base fundamental issue.
first. it start with "technology singularity".
when the computer can read human brain electric signal.
this is all cause of every rest of things.
and they want set up it will be 2030. but actually already they have this tech.
so what they want to do with this technology?
there is fascinating good tech. now how they playing along with it?
they want do funny thing with it.
vaccine and PCR. mrna tech

why pandemic happened. ?
global pandemic is everyone know trend.
and vaccine was purpose.
vaccine and pcr. it including nano particle device. computer.
but because it is nano size we can't think that is computer.
but it read your electric signal of your brain.
and can read and write and trasfer data.
5G tower

this ugly disgusting tower is everywhere in our city.
and smart city means internet connected city prison.
that for keep people in their wifi range connection of your brain.
cloud data storage.

so they want connect everyone's brain into "one single collective" cloud data storage.
for control crowd efficiently.
and they could attempt forced internet connection to a people against to their will.
so when technology and psycho cult religion is combine.
why. why israel doing divine war????
why they made up #66 bible manipulation apocalypse of john???
the metaverse

the fake heaven. when people counciousness against to their agree, but forced transfer into digital metaverse world.
but satanist want make you it is heaven.
feel like you died and go to heaven.
when actually not. but 5G tower and forced sleep paralize brain waves.
and internet connected. or maybe they could copying your conciousness into data.
but want make it believe that is haeven.
but actually virtual reality that they hiding.
and if you go there. and encountering god or jesus. with fake.
and if you believe it.
then they just keep fooling you.

in illuminati cult. they call it reincarnation.
feel like they have techology then feel like they have power of god.

so if you believe those cult. you think you are go to heaven.
when actually your conciousness copied into digital.
then they put your digitalized conciousness into gene editted baby factory product.
then you believe you think rebirth. and reincarnation like through something god power.
digital currency. regardless CBDC or QFS or whatever bit coin.

so famous bill gates 060606 patent.
they want actually crypto mining human brain factory.
so not just metaverse or reincarnation of miracle.
if your conciousness do activities then your brain keep processing calculation about crypto mining.
it creating money. and satanist get earn those money from you.
or maybe that could be your own "basic income"
so in summary. there is technology.
and satanist adding story with religious cult in it.
they want forcing about against to people agree.
but want just forcing.
transfer your conciousness into digital copy. or wifi connection.
then want make people believe that is not cyber space but heaven.
issue to claim.
but there is issue.
maybe you could connected internet when while you living for fun and hobby.
but if talk about "reincarnation".
but if copied digital conciousness can call it eternal life??

omg!! reincarnation!!! reincarnation!!! miracle of mrna tech~~!!!! vacccine!!!! digital immortality!!!

reincarnation!!!! rebirth!!!! reincarnation!!! of life!!!! no diease!! no death!! new world order!!!! reincarnation!!!!
those cult exist in between elites and satanist.
so illuminati make cult like
they doing buisness.
it is buisness for selling and promoting and commericial.
but with through using brainwash, cult religion, mind control, military psy op.
because opponent who they should faking is not just common people
but including powers rich wealth elites and leaders and their own side.
all just cult.
satanist and weird people
you know? do you ever been saw? those weird religious cult people?
who speak with toung and celelelelelelelel!!! reeereleee!! erereeeee!!! reincarnation!!! ereeeerererreree!!!!
those people.
weird people. creepy awkard and byung sin people.
just idiots.
they using those cult for buisness.
but think those thing is just commercial.
nothing different with advertisement and commercial.
but they doing it with through fascinating mind control and CIA mk ultra and REINCARNATION~~!! omg!! yeaaahs!!! yes!! REINCARNATION!!! omg!!!
just scale is big.
but have no different with simple coca cola commercial.
but with very fascinating military psy op.
and illuminati!!! secret council!!!! bitch!!!! and 300 chosen douches!!!
knight!!! sercret knight!!! medal and badge!!! free masonary!!
freemason!!! fucking dick!!!
just bullshit.
but scale is too much big. because huge money is there.