so speak up. and blame and accuse japanese tessa violet crime.
and what is most offensive thing is.
dog cop, otani fans.
definition is means
"when oldtimers rape boy, people those who encourage it."
really should kill them. punching their face. and shoot them with gun.
most disgusting human being in this world.
people who doing otani fans. and dog cop.
people who not deserve living their life.
should kill them.
and should discussion and talking about this issue.
about to people who doing those dog cop and otani fans.
"people who encourage and support boy rape buisness."
should speak this. loudly. officially need to discussion this.
people who encourage when there is boy rape, people who yelling about make ties and buckle up and
there is many offensive word.
bitch cunt nword fuck shit.
why ? otani fans they talking is offensive?
make ties? or buckle up? or screaming festival.
do you know why it is offensive?
what is fuck is mean talk about? about sex?
what is bitch means? origin is female dog.
or Nword is historical issue.
and cunt or shit.
but what is more offensive than all of those word?
make ties. and buckle up. and screaming.
and wild hot sex.
what is problem about those word meaning?
becuase you talking about rape children.
you fucking describe about process of raping children.
do you know??? you fucking scumbags????
you mocking victims. that raped children when they die.
nothing can compare any curse word can't compare to it.
extreamly offensive. and should need to using gun to kill those otani fans.
people who doing. encourage. for when oldtimers rape children. trying to support their dick errect.
fucking kill them. i mean. punching their face. and beating them.
and kill them.
what i mean.
someone talk about bad word offensive word.
you could be get shoted.
but. anyword? is "offensive"?
when you talk about rape children.
feel like that is fun.
we should kill them.
what is offensive?
is nword is offensive? is cunt or bitch is offensive to you?
but what about,
when otani fans trying to describe rape children.??
fucking kill them.
blame them and accuse them. and beating them. punching their face.
we need to do that.
should using gun. and should kill them.
those people who encourage oldman's dick errection when they rape boy.
what is means? should kill them.
i really not feel anything about.
but only thing. i felt i must kill them.
that level of offensive.
means. you even can decide murder on them.
too much offensive.
should do. speak it.
discussion about that.
about people.
people who those who support global children sex trafficking.
should kill them. speak loudly.
and attack japan tessa violet. seriously. with all your best.
but of coursely because what we fight against to is "global children sex trafficking buisenss".
means no one can facing against to it.
that powerful.
but should talk about this.
that everyone trying to remain silent.
and can't even say single word.
because fear.
because you die. you maybe get shoted and stabbing and your wife is missing kidnapping and your chlidren will gonna die.
if you trying to opposite against to it.
that is the what there is issue.
"global children sex trafficking.".
and otani fans. who support and trying to get earn money from children death.
through most extreamly disgusting way of living life.
encourage. creepy oldman's dick errection supports.
for they can rape boy. with your support.
that is something.
there is many plenty way of how to get earn money.
but you don't need to do that.
just no argue about this.
do not argue with this.
just don't.
so. if there is moment.
when some of otani fans trying to encourage it.
just should react clearly about your stance.
"don't even trying to gives a shit to them".
hey? did you hear that? boy is arrested!! boy is make ties~~ and it buckled~~ oh~~ it's gonna get wild~~~~~
if they say that. then. just.
oh.. yeah.. hey. you know. im busy right now. i will call you later. bye.
and just leave the place. and do not conversation with them.
if they trying to bring that subject on coversation.
then just cut off them immdietly. and leave.
and when they can able to talk another issue in normal coversation.
then just talk.
but when they trying to attempt that "let's make it happen" or wild hot sex party.
then just immedietly stop coversation and go for another activities.
hey you know. i need to go. i should things to do. sorry. see you later.
and just leave.
treat them like that. if you should have to keep that relationship.
then talk when they talk like human being.
and don't talk immedietly. when they trying to encourage children rape like fucking animals.
then just don't talk. just go for another work you should have to do.
and keep repeat it. until they can realize their behave is wrong.
and when they ready to talk another subject in common sense.
keep repeat that ignore and stopping conversation.
just with any reason.
suddenly just leave the place.
hey, i need to go. sorry. i should do another work.!! see you later.
and don't even argue. don't even talk. and don't even conflict.
that is all.
until they can talk about just naturally nice thing.
then treat them as person in relationship.
if not. when they trying to be "otani fans".
then just. treat them like they don't even exist.
so. just need to clear up those false relationship.
otani fans is dangerous people.
and not worth to be friend at all.
and don't even close to them.
they are dangerous. obviously they will kill your wife and rape your children.
and. not worth. and nothing but garbages.
just blame them. that is best.
should blame them.
so when you blame them. if they are not your friend anymore. then that is nice profit for you actually.
blame them and see how they react and decide your relationship.
if they struggle or trying to oppsite. then that is all.
that person is should get rid of from your relationship.
but when if you blame them. if they can able to stop.
stop about their murder rape activities. then that is common sense people.
omg it was wrong. i will stop that ugly japanese tessa violet satanist psy op immedietly.
if people who can admit it and then that person have hope.
maybe. but can't ignore that they at least even once. they did agreed to it.
when circumstance was seems like it was trend and feel like not blame by people.
then they did it.
there is secret.
about that person.
there is dark secret that person hiding.
that when earlier moment of japan tessa violet crime trend was most shitting around.
that. they was been agreed to it.
that fact is exist. as history.
means. they rape children.
that is fact.
otani fans. = people who agree with japan tessa violet = they rape children.
it revealed and proved with officially as while when it was trend.
means. everyone know. who really you are.
problem is. people actually know it. from at first place and always been.
because . people wasn't fooled not even once.
people wasn't fooled.
from first place. and always been.
because everyone know. that is the "buisness". global children sex trafficking.
and there was intimidate. that we could die. if we trying to against to it.
so. somehow. we have information. about people.
they were.... agreed. to something. very dark thing.
very dark. and very gloomy. and depressing. and so much dark.
can't even say it. it is tricky to say it.
because too much dark.
about. you know. make ties. buckle up. and screaming festival. and missing kidnapping.
and stabbing.
and many thing.
really disgusting shit a lot.
new born baby dies. pregnant teenager dies.
such a thing. that otani fans favorite.
everyone know. it was trend.
it too much dark and gloomy.
it is demons.
literally. demons.
i keep say. japan tessa violet is demons. that satanist people.
completely different people.
they eat baby.
shouldn't trying to think them with context of sane people normal society.
they are not a concern.
get the fukc off. i want you get the fuck off. don't want talk with you.
do not talk to me.
and that is all. i don't talk anything with you.
i don't.
im not talk anything to you.
im talking to people to subject about we should kill you.
that is all.
there is crime. and people. we need to kill them.
and they are not anyone's concern.
their trend. their opinions. don't need.
don't need your
ugly dark insane crime trend that don't even want to know.
don't talk to me.
i don't need to know how you are facinaiting with those of things.
just get the fuck off.
kill yourself.
that is all i want to say and need to say.