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  • 작성자 사진Flament Olivier

what is slave mind.

in movie, django unchained. why steven sad about calvin's death??

you know why?

it is exactly same to leftist mind.

they know democrats and japanese kill and murder and vaccination.

they feel that psycho murderer pedophile criminals shouldn't die.

because their all jobs and bacons are up to exactly where?

illuminati and minions of criminals.

what leftist want is violence and crime.

that psycho "provide" to them clown murder show and good news that they want.

with word twisting joke for fun.

children get raped and killed and piece by pieces.

they want it.

how sheeps are disgusting is they not a agree or considering psycho criminals claim.

not it is they fooled.

but they "want" and they "like" it.

they pretending.

why those leftist pretending? they know they serving exactly who evil psycho murderer children killing shadow criminals.

while in under control of those evil.

you can oppressing others.

while you doing clown, you can yelling at to others.


you can pretending you are offended

and you can attacking others.

you can feel

the power of oppressing others.

while psycho criminals get power and when officially your violence can justfying.

and you can get earn profit from it.

like you care about gay rights or stand with ukraine.

while you doing that,

you can yelling at to others with in the name of leftist.

you can blame others, you can praise woman get raped, you can always felt surprise of murder incident.

omg!! someone died!! get killed!!! omg!! im so like it!! it is what i want.

i want forget everything about my miserable life!! but seems those murder incident with joke that media gibberish feel like so nice to forget about all my miserable pathetic life and bullshit vaccination that i did.!!

so people just praising and hype man to rape and murder.


steven can oppressing other blacks only when calvin's power oppressing all others.

but what if all blacks being free.? there is no steven position. he is equal and nothing.

and calvin dead?

he just sad and crying.

that is what leftist japan feel they are underprivliged.

because they should losing all their jobs and bacons and oppressing others.

This is Ben. He's an old joe that lived around here for a long time, and I do mean a long damn time. Old Ben here took care of my daddy and my daddy's daddy. Till he up and keeled over one day, old Ben took care of me. Growin' up the son of a huge plantation owner in Mississippi puts a white man in contact with a whole lotta black faces. I spent my whole life here, right here in Candieland, surrounded by black faces. Now seein' 'em every day, day in and day out, I only had one question: why don't they kill us? Now right out there on that porch, three times a week for fifty years, old Ben here would shave my daddy with a straight razor. Now, if I was old Ben, I woulda cut my daddy's goddamn throat, an' it wouldn't-a taken me no fifty years of doin' neither. But he never did. Why not?

when first met on steven and django.

that leftist mind of hate and jealousy staring you can see.

i very well know what is that staring means. i very well know.

scene is master piece.

that . right there!!! exactly "your" hate and jealousy.

when you doing slave but when you saw the who free man.

so are you steven?

or are you django?

"accept oppression" is they also can "do oppression".

so denying oppression means,

do not accept oppression but also don't do oppression either.

what if world can find freedom and word twisting murder incident stop.??

do you want it?


you don't want stop word twisting joke murder.


because you want.

can understand?

what is first concern and worry about what if word twisting incident murder joke not happen?

what??? that not happen anymore?? i can't yelling at to others?? with pretending?? how??...


you like "show" that murderers provide to you.

what is your fear??

that your life is boring. and depressed. with out word twisting murder joke.

that is only comfort for your pathetic sorry life.

it is clown circus. right? entertainment that you most like.

poeple get killed and raped and children died.

that is what most you want for fun.

because your pathetic sorry life can't feel anything while in normal and sane peaceful moment.

that is what you tell, "boring"

that is what you feel.

so i just telling you to stop killing people.

can i ask you to stop killing people and just kill your self? how about that?

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