what is war and why there is war?
japan get caught their crime. children rape.
then israel keep saying this.
hey hey looky looky here!! here is missile and explosion!!! look at me!!! look at me!! here is war is here!!! oh my god~~! war is here!!!!
distractions. intimidate. threatning purpose.
when you vaccinated. when children shoted missing kidnapped.
when you die.
should cut off those distractions.
speak out and condem israel and stop US military trying to send aid or expansion war.
should people make that circumstances and claim and ask to congress and military to not make world war 3 expansion.
and to everyone around you.
and keep talk about actual issue.
about your issue. you people vaccinated. right?
so should fix that thing .but israel doing war crime.
fraud election is near. and democrats japan pedophiles trying to over throw goverment.
then of coursely US military involve to war crime.
fraud election. focus it. focus.
fraud election that democrats doing.
epstein diddy list.
japanese murder joke game.
vaccine bio weapons.
zelensky money laundry scam.
speak truth!!
people have job the should to do. get some money.
and buy some stuff.
and get some fame. and get some attention through SNS. then fucking bunch of shit retardeds RT your tweet.
people want just live life.
but those israel. japan. ukraine. want world war 3.
and those criminals have opinions. for themselves.
and that is not anyone's concern.
we have job and money and should raise children and should listening music and should watch movie and should live happy life.
but psychopath trying to world war 3. that bothering us.
they vaccinate us.
they reducing our life span.
with chemical leak in air,
nuclear waste water in ocean.
and they spying on us. with 5G tower and vaccine nano particles.
tracking and collecting data.
and brainwash and psy op and abusing and CIA mk ultra on people.
because those ugly "team illuminati" = israel, ukrain, japan and many compromised people.
they want rape children but don't want get caught.
then they bothering our life.
that just nothing life just trying to some get some fucking job and playing and fucking and shitting.
that is all.
but they bothering it. trying to rape children.
then they reducing population. and intimidate. and abusing. and world war 3.
who wan't world war 3?
who recently get caught their crime and rape children?
then they go for war.
and i don't want drag by this. seriously.
should say it.
omg... jesus... why because criminals their profit why every others must be damage??
we must just live our life in peace and happy life.
not a in world war 3 because for defending criminals circumstances.
they fucked up. then they fucked up. then they should die.
that is all.
but others are not.
we have life that we should living.
we have job to do. and should planning our life. and raise children.
and should do sex. and playing video game. and should entertaining watching movie or go to concert. and eat some delicious food and spend good time with~~~
but ?
because of japanese fuckers get caught their rape children.
becuase of israel should do their divine war.
becuase of zelensky want more money laundry.
why we should drag into this??
that is criminals their own issue that criminals circumstances.
not anyone's concern.
your shit that just your own.
not anyone else.
do not drag me into this. okay? can you please just not bothering others?
omg jesus!! do not drag me into this!! wtf??
just should say it.
not just obey and trying to involve for criminals circumstances.
that is not your concern.
just should say it.
i don't do any crime. do not drag me into this. just you guys do crime for yourself alone fuckers.
and we should live our life. that should have to live.
just nothing normal peaceful happy life.
not a world war 3 that "you want to do".
that is what you want to do.
becuase you get caught your crime.
but others are not.
should make this clear . just speak about those issue.
omg crime is not my concern.
but i just want normal peaceful life in peace.
not a world war 3.!!!
come on!!!
we have job that should to do for daily life struggle and daily bread for living.
do not drag others into your messed up.
should speak those things.
we live music and family and video game and bullshit and meme and cat meme and dog meme and political meme and laugh with friends and pooping well and sleep well.
why fucking should do world war 3??
if japanese want that war? if israel want that war?? if zelensky want that war?
then should we involve to "their" buisness???
we should live our life.
should speak truth. do not concerning criminals perspective.