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what nowadays people problem.

작성자 사진: Flament OlivierFlament Olivier

nowadays people are clapping at murderers. and kill others and shut their mouth.

vaccination and ukraine zelensky fraud scam war and japanese fucking nuclear waste dump.

people just pretending and agree and clapping at to their murder and how much trying to faking themselves fucking something leftistic bullshit hypocrisy attitude that really gross and disgusting.

leftist are something feel like they care about world.

feel like they are so much politicaly caring and heartwarming people.

so fucking disgusting.

and just kill all people and clapping at murderers and have no thought.

just follow trend anything and follow systemic lying fake pretending.

but. they not that know what is real or not.

they not that know.

not that know what should they do. about being exist.

that is what their problem and issue.

and just acting like animals and beasts only pursuing primal instinct.

and just consume by emotion.

they not control their emotion. just get mad about themselves but they get mad anyways. because get mad but they don't even not that know why get mad.

just fucking living miserable douche creature like that.

fucking should have common sense and thought.

they kill people for fun.

such a barbaric and something psychopath.

they are different.

what world doing thing is murder.

zelensky or joe biden and japaense. vaccination.

all that worldly stuff is what about murder.

that you just follow think like it trend.

and someone speaking truth then attacking according to systemic brainwash what you programmed.

just like.

just like.

why you not that know about what is being exist.

but it all everyone went through.

everyone feel that in their life.

not that know much. actually.

feel like. what is being exist? how should i do???

they don't know. not that sure. not that know.

there is no answer. find your answer.

it feel like, there is no answer but what you doing is the answer.

what is important to about our life?

someone answered that is love.

then it is not matter of answer or not.

but just that is what that person talk about.

then we can think.

oh, you are the person who answering that is love? when there was no answer. right? nice.


what was yours? and what was theirs?

someone saying it is murder.

what is mean. that person is fucking living like that shit.

that is all. that is what that person's answer is.

wow. just give them to one single wow~. and shut off fucking thing.

can understand.?

how can handle absurdity is up to your own self.

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