blame leftist japan.
blame vaccine, joe biden treason, leftist japan manipulation, media disinformation.
blame this world agree with leftist japan.
then that is correct.
why you feel oppression. leftist japan they intimidate you.
they manipulate and they interpretation and they attacking you people.
they kill humanity.
they control and they oppressing you.
blame "them" and resist.
admit. leftist japan did all manipulation and intimidate and incident and control.
okay? too many people and children get raped and died by leftist japan cheap word twisting joke.
and murder rape is not a joke.
admit fact. there is psychopath!!!
it is satanist. that kill all humanity now.
and stop aiding and support their crime.
they want you think everything is just joke.
naively and stupid and so much miserable.
and some of are just same criminals same satanist.
democrats those ugly psychopath.
and already world compromised to japan.
there will be no one exist.
claim your right from your side first.
then world will follow.
who pick a side means they will pick a side always.
so not that have meaning. if you people claim and speak.
then they acting differently again anytime.
they just only pick a side. that is all.
- admit fact
- shut off leftist japan completely.
- get the fuck off from my youtube.
do this.
it is correct.
psychopath demons want keep psy op and kill all humanity.
they want stop my words.
they distord it and interpretation it.
but should know. why they do it?
im telling truth.
and my word is means it satanic demons want to stop it.
that is my word value and worth.
satan have every power but they using power,
but they want distord my word, and stop my word, and stop you people listen to me.
admit and accept.
listen to me and shut off anyone who distord my word and interpretation.
understand my word, directly from you.
and read all thing again everyday.
i already wrote everything.
people you didn't confused.
you fear.
and you hard to accept and don't want accept.
that world started killing you.
because you don't want resist or uncomfortable.
but just want compromise and thoughtless.
but that consequence is now going end of humanity.
stop trying to struggle and fucking around.
and stop being ugly and retarded and pretending.
when you stop your bullshit.
you can feel your soul and you can know every truth.
just saying.
say this.
why youtube do manipulation? and why aiding and support leftist japan kill and rape?.
why censoring information and why help vaccination?
why you killed people???
just saying.
ask that to them.
hey, why you do manipulation?
just fucking saying.
say anything simple word.
resist is not difficult.
just speak.
and talk with each others.
hey, look. youtube is do manipulation.
so that's why people vaccinated and damaged.
people died. disabled. suffered.
and youtube even now they keep do their satanic agenda.
talk and speak about these stuff.
why? why you should pretending?
even while you all just dying and vaccinated and intimidated.
claim your rights from your side first.
every world just agree with leftist japan.
because they want money and violence and murder and rape.
that just of course. it is not fucking win or lose.
it is psychopath.
if someone agree with leftist japan.
then not think omg~! japan is win!!!
you should freaking out and disappointment.
look at them~~!!! fraud priority in the end.
and we dying now.
just saying fucking actual reality.
joe biden announce vaccine madate and people celebrate it and clapping at it.
and you think omg!! joe biden wins~~!! woah!!
why acting like that?
but think about why people some of are will acting like that?
becaue they counting on their fraud to their fraud and crime.
of course they appreciate it. and they think that is win.
because they are same fucking psychopath demons.
peopel who if joe biden and japan caught and downfall then fucked up with them.
those people claim win and they trying to keep pretending .
and they can't stop pretending. they should protect those psychopath.
becaue they also die. when those psychopath die.
those people agree with them and helping their psy op.
literally they care about win or lose.
but common people who damaged and dying now is not.