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  • 작성자 사진Flament Olivier

when righteous trying to save you

leftist have no thought. he don't need to save you.

while endure all labeling and gibberish hate and jealousy.

and also he sometimes predict his own assassination.

for what.?

he just rich and his life have no problem.

who don't want just nice and irresponsible life?

just throw away your pointless hate and jealousy.

he doing very well and he know how to protecting free speech and your life and divine rights.

it is everything going right way and fine thing.

there is no labeling or gibberish don't need.

you should rejoice with it.

righteous doing righteous.

everything so fine and nice

he cut off brainwash. and leftist too much fear they don't know

how to exist without brainwash.

so they already gone insane , because living in oppression and violence and too much get used to it.

so they fear losing it.

when cops trying to save hostage but hostage think everything is just terrorist because so much panic and fear. so attacking cop unconsciously.

that kind of syndrome.

"im trying to rescue you"

"omg!! just go away!!! im gonna die!!!!!!!!! terrorist will gonna kill me if i claim my rights for freedom!!! they said to me you should living in oppression!!!"

elon poll means, leftist make righteous giving up fight for our freedom and rights .

according to your behavior!! hell is wait for you!!

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