it very unrealistic. but i kind of doubt about "this." is maybe japanese "purpose".
and as we know. human brain interface is not a SF story. in nowadays.
but how it already did went to far??? while they hiding it?
it is just one of my presume.
that mrna vaccine and pcr nano hydrogel human brain interface.
how apply it to crime. but very different crime method.
darpa hydrogel. what for use?
but this is very suspious method and how apply?
very example.
because there is darpa hydrogel and human brain interface tech.
so what is "example" of how to use apply that on crime?
i found that from video game that illuminati money invested.
make criminals do crime.
and illuminati they log in to their brain and share experience.
their thrill, and fear, and excitement of crime.
and log out. and criminal get caught.
so what is mean.
illuminati make you do crime.
then every those old filthy rich scumbags and japanese log in to your brain.
and when you do crime. they share your "thrill" and log out and disposal you.
and recording that crime scene as VR contents of porn and snuff.
and they collect it and experience it.
that your crime. your feelings and situation and thrill and fear and every stimulation.
exploit. how they exploit criminals? with another level of crime?
i know it sound like SF story. but it is 2025 nowadays. we living in mrna tech genocide and mysterious crime. already.
why japanese want you do crime?
because they exploit your crime from behind.
so when criminals do crime.
they could not alone.
japanese actually be with them. in their brain. together.
that really fucking something creepy shit ever.
but when see the japanese method.
they make people do crime. murder rape.
and japan want something from them.
so i guess that is could be "this".
when think about that purpose of nano hydrogel and neural link tech.
what fuckers will want from that?
and actually. those video game or movie is revealing that as SF story.
so i presume about one of their tech.
think about. when you do crime.
fucking old rich wealth fuckers scumbags log in to your brain.
and feel thrill of "yours."
and just it literally fucking something demons consume people like fucking demons.
it really insane days in nowadays. fucking insane.
where this fucking humanity history trying to going to???
just gloomy and dark. distopia future and just we are last generation of actual humanity.
those transhumanism. purposes. it obvious.
exploit people and control people from behind.
it really fucking different level of threat that just fucking insane demons.
think about how it will be "smart city?" and 5g tower everywhere for your brain connection.
and brain chip implant. and nano hydrogel. mrna tech.
why burned los angeles?
trying to built smart city.
trying to do "that".
to a everyone.
even including children vaccinated.
they will trying to chip implant to children too.
that is what why "all of these of thing" happening now.
im most trendy survivalist expert person about in nowadays dark moment of humanity history.
i think like that.
and i have no idea how next generation of transhumanism people will suffer and die most ugly and cruel brutally.
i just think myself is in blessing of good people around me and my family and friend and nice people.
i will never agree with japanese demons.
i always aware that. we could might be last gereration of this humanity history.
then everything is precious and every people is special and life is precious.
but japan kill them.
so that is why speak up.
and of coursely people need to speak up.
after all those crime kills you.
you know.
really? trying to keep pretending otani fans?
you know what will be consequences.
do not pretending then.
speak up.