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  • 작성자 사진Flament Olivier

where is hell. where is heaven. ?? we really don't know???

people. there is 100% demon illuminati verified way of perish into hell.

now let's go backward!!! wraaaaaa!!!

that is smart. you know.

there is. righ there.

100% perish of hell is there.

what is matter??


you don't know how to go to heaven??

but seems there is illuminati guranteed way of perish is seems so much sicentifically clear?? right?? it verified. clearly. 100% no doubt. it is illuminati doing thing. very clear and proved by NASA science. you can trust it.

can you trust money? do you like money? right?

where illuminati spending all their money??

there is nothing more then science 100% verified thing more than money.

agree with it?

and all illuminati money. where it spended??

then that is hell.


those satanic religion demon people. where they spend money??

for hell. who have all power and technology and power and science.

they did. spend money to nanotech vaccination and 5G and all bullshit.

the amount of spended their money prove it. over thausand trillion and trillion money prove and guratee it clearly.

can you have doubt??

and all elites and experts and genius and NASA science prove it.

can you have doubt?

then everything obvious.

so easy.

there is nothing matter.

everything is clear.

people. you not trust illuminati but you trying to trust illuminati money.

that's why you trying to agree with them.

but see.

you can trust their money?

yes. they spending all money for stanic religion.

then opposite is also very clear.

it have same worth to what they effortied time wasting of centuries and trillion money.

just simpley. the opposite.

from 1 information. can presume also another one.

just walk path of backward direction of them.

you can have trillion money of trust that you can believe your path will reach to heaven.

right? scientifically.

you didn't spend trillion money and centuries effort.

but you can get earn same value of opposite.

and that is heaven and god.

because illuminati are stanic demon pedohpiles psychopath money war people.

they spended money.

and that also make clear your way for heaven.

but you can trust it.

because they spended their own money about opposite.

then we can go easy.

think about. people who trust god. we couldn't been spend trillion money for make our path clear. that very unfortunate....

but when we see the what satanist doing. it seems our path also be very trillion money of clear.

then we can get earn same value of our path.

we coudlnt' but they did.

just look at them. they doing spending trillion of money and centuries of wasting time effort.

and now our path also very become clear. but they spended their money.

and our path also become clear.

when we in confuse and doubt in the darkness.

we couldn't find our way.

how we can reach to a god???

where we should go???

but believers.!! listen!!

look!! there is satanist. they clear their path!!

they support all their technology and effort for centuries and money for it.

seems they going there!

then we going opposite!!

of course.

why we acting like we don't know?..

everything was just obvious...

we reflect our selves.

and we know.

how we can reach to god more close.

god will want you belivers not depend to money.

but god will want you belivers are wise and bright.

not find your way through a money and gold.

but god will want you find your way. with wisdom and faith.

how we can reach to a god. with spending trillion money??

that is not god want from us. and that is not a faith.

we can't call that faith. if we find our path with trillion of money.

no. that is not answer.

when we close to a god.

we will find way. with out money. but with your wisdom and faith.

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