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  • 작성자 사진Flament Olivier

while world is going end and humanity dying. except resist there is no other way of exist.

there is many people is souless and thoughtless.

not everyone is having soul. it quite weird feelings. but i felt it.

something is not right in this world.

while these crisis, keep focus and sanity never easy.

maybe just want being comfort and irressiponsible.

but that consequence was vaccination.

except accept truth clearly. there is no other way of our existence.

aiding support psychopath then we should living in psychopath world that ugly demons kiling humanity.

but even while those psychopath trapped in their own delusion.

we can choose how we will recognize this world, and how we will treat ourselves.

one individual speak truth correctly. that affect entire world.

when you just speak "it seems not right?" then only that word can prevent every war and ugly crime.

democracy is like that. not a pick a side. and not just pass over your rights to most worst psychopath.

people fear about, what about money? what about jobs? like.

but actually when see the situation then don't need to that worry about.

anyways world started vaccination , means it genocide.

and they planning all kind of crime and murder.

so it turn into same .

literally what about your money and what about your jobs?

if psychopath keep occuring incident and just intimidate you endlessly.

that worry should pointing to not a compromise.

but that worry is also should pointing to resist.

your worry is not because you didn't comrpomised.

your worry is that all cause and blame is what people didn't resist.

every blame is only belong to those psychopath leftist japan and people who agree with them.

that's why people worry and anxiety.

because they intimidate you all.

then fix that cause.

before they murder all of you.

literally it is that.

omg?, but what if we resist then leftist japan attacking then what about our money? and what about our jobs?

just think more carefully again about your point of worry.

so, leftist japan intimidate you and they kill you and labeling and manipulate and slandering. so you losing your job and money, and vaccinated and never resist.

so attack those psychopath who damaging you and intimidate you.

dis agree and refuse. denying, attack.

ban and cancel. shut off.

joe biden treason and guantanamo.

talk about treason. vaccine scam.

and leftist japan intidmidate you.

then talk about their intimidate and psy op.

exist it self is impossible nowadays.

becaue they trying to make humanity as robot.

that is how technology and future of history.

humanity is facing problem about "exist" itself.

before you care about money or job or fame.

first of all. we can't do exist at first place.

they just control everything.

so exist itself is precede.

and now we worry about, what about money? what about our jobs???

that worry all come from fact that we losing our freddom and existence.

worldy life expectations are just secondary issue. from that psychopath control and are in oppression.

so solve fundamental part then solve all rest part.

people are intimidated over 3 years by leftist japan children rape and killing and all manipulated incident.

while vaccinated condition.

so mentally very damaged.

but mental issue is about becaue people couldn't speak truth and couldn't resist.

resist and speak truth then also mentally will better.

shut off leftist japan. that all psy op is make you insane.

not admit and not accept truth is just make people depressed and insane.

be honest to yourself and respect others.

speak is cure.

speak truth what was wrong correctly.

everyday leftist japan threat your life and yelling at you "stay down!! get down!! i will kill you!!!"

how people mentally can keep sanity.

of coursely they depression and damaged.

resist with even simple word.

"hey, that is not right."

"i don't think so".

it can kill leftist japan.

really. they fragile and easily get mad and easily break down.

they always require extream violence, because it "require" according to their weakness.

when they gibberish.

"hmm. i don't think so."

they really die. just simple word and denying.

really. only matter is speak.

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