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  • 작성자 사진Flament Olivier

who is the player of this world.

hope people have thought you are the owner of this world.

not there is some world and there is some rulers exist, and you do some one of bunch of.


but democracy means people you are the who player of this game.

not doing hired clown or puppet or minion.

debt slaves and just thoughtless mass who trying to pick a side and irresipossible?

what was democracy.

you are the who wrote history and lead history.

so, when you people agree with leftist-japan, then children die everyday.

murder happens. and leftist-japan saying it is fun game.

if children not die then they feel boring. they want fun.


and people agree with that.

but, before you think fun. from death of children and people.

if world keep going forward to evil path.

then it is anyways will nothing is good even for you.

psychopath control everything. and you pass over to them your rights and you give them to power.

then they do psychopath thing.

world war~ shortage~ bullshit~

you know.

you should living in it. for yourself.

so it nothing benefit. anyways there will be always evil tyranny exist they will consume you and using you to pawn and throw away you.

it fucking meaning nothing.


resist to them. and speak truth. and stand with common sense.

then all thing is consequently good for you.

it how world works.

is rulers choose their decision?

no, when you people awake then they also choose their move.

demons trying to dancing.

you people can make demon dancing.

and you can laughing at them.

you are the who true owner of this world.

and you are the player of this game.

not illuminati decide you and this world.

you people can decide illuminati how they move and perish.

you are the who lead history.

democracy not means pick a side.

democracy is means, you are the something "side" for yourself.

you are the something subject of who can act and decide.

not you pick side where you belong. already you people are "side."

you people vs this ugly world.

too much get used to democracy.

so seems people forgot about what was democracy is.

how democracy is just means, "i will agree with picking side then i don't have responsiblity."

but people saw, when democrats starting collapse then trump rise.

but it is because people noticing and speak and awakened.

then after that, world moving.

trump back is not becuse he is back. because you people make that situation. people resist. and people speak. then world also move.

same, if you people agree with leftist-japan then children die. you make that situation.

because you people are the real owner of this world.

there is people and therefore, there is king.

raise king for yourself.

and keep awake. keep awake and make also trump not corrupt.

but if you people not awake. then that occuring all things.

you people are the player of game. should have that pride and awareness.

not gay pride.

real pride.

more simple summary

choose good => world become good => you living in good world.

choose evil => world become evil => you living in evil world.

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