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  • 작성자 사진Flament Olivier

who make history? it is you people.

now we entering 2023 and march.

when earlier of pandemic. some experts who have conscience said vaccinated people could live only 2~3 years.

and that 2~3 years that they predicted is almost this recent days.

and seems people started scent.

it is absolutely not good sign.

and when there is problem about your life and death.

then you don't need to care anything.

shame? cognitive dissonance? a fear? expectation about profit?

all that just throw away and fix thing what is right and correct.


nothing care. don't even give a shit.

don't need that.

if felt something wrong then just claim and discussion and find way.

when people in crisis about life and death issue.

then how act?

more reasonable and more calm. and act. fix. solve.

just that is important.

and vaccinated people should claim it.

vaccinated people to vaccinated people.

they should share knowledge and discussion each others.

and see how world move.

basis on never trust them. because world is fraud.

chemical leaked?

and if someone claim vaccine damage then that is mental ill?

who decide that?

official says then that is 'actual' truth?

remind that cantor story.

is there infinite is actual?

and he find way how to can prove infinite is just infinite or actual infinite.

that mindset is very important.

and also there is vaccine companies can have patent for vaccinated people. vaccine changes dna . so what they claim is legally there is no problem even you dead or not.

will you accept it?

if you are not.

then it is not.


whatever they think. that is apply to themselves.

but you can disagree with it.

but if people just not resist and not awake and not claim it is wrong.

you just agree with them. vaccine is right and leftist is right. and media saying is right. criminals saying is right.

you agree with it.

don't do that.

dis agree.

you disagree is important.

you can make history

and you are the who lead history.

all people. all individuals.

they make history.

no one decide like that, someone is changed DNA so it is not human.

if people saying no.

then it is no.

so people should awake. but people not saying no.

then it is just become true according to your agreement.

so resist.

for yourself.

for you.

this kind of thing could happen.

when 3rd vaccinated people claim they have some issue about their health. and they claim it could be vaccine. they can saying that.

but when 2nd vaccinated people could trying to ..

"don't saying it!! don't speak that!!!! you are mentally illed!!! media and expert didn't said vaccine is problem!!!!"

fear makes delusion.

it could feel like 3rd vaccinated people saying "next turn is yours". but they didn't meant it. they just trying to claim they have some issue about their health. but 2nd people could feel like offended. but you don't need to offended at all.

labeling is really works properly in these kind of hell.

because they so much fear.

but shouldn't acting like that.

be kind and be nice to others.

then rest part will automatically fit.

save others also save yours too.

keep calm and cold when situation is not good.

should more reasonable.

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