why god testing us?
"lead us not into temptation."
prayer also have that quote.
many people, and also even christian know that part.
you know that "suffering." so you want ask to a god.
god.. why we should live like this??.. pls don't testing us..!!
if you have that wish? if you really you have that.
then resist it righteous way. and there is vaccine 5g WHO NASA control leftist japan jerks is there.
people could feel god testing us is unfair and unrighteous.
why?? why?? how...
so denying oppression. but not a negativity.
like just complaining and trying to kill others.
acting like grown ups.
rightful claim with faith.
not against a god and just blame and labeling and complaining like leftist japan.
with that behavior? you perish into hell.
if you really feel god testing us is not right. then you should get mad about oppression. all of kind of oppression. then automatically and naturally. you become who worth and deserve freedom.
and there is vaccine 5G and leftist japan oppression is there.
and you just agree with them? because agree with them and aiding them then you can get earn fraud profit. only for that. against god. and even think god testing us is not right but just agree with oppression and admit yourself is worthless and never deserve anything?.
fight and resist. prove yourself you denying oppression.
prove and claim you deserve freedom.
claim rightuly.
and there is vaccine 5G and leftist japan is there.
if you just agree with vaccine and change your dna and injecting that nano graphene and 5G controled and kill others and mocking it.
how god will think you? and humanity?