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  • 작성자 사진Flament Olivier

why technological gap exist in our world.

The Gödel Conspiracy

"official" says, he have mental paranoia about his own assassination and he claimed some conspriocy of some genius idea from Leibniz is covered and destroyed.

so let's exclude labeling about mental illiness.

then that is truth.

why think that level of genius who kurt Gödel saying like that with out any reason??

absolutely not.

all righteous and genius just labled and most of them they threatn by assassination and died in depression.

of course.

Later life and death[edit]

Later in his life, Gödel suffered periods of mental instability and illness. Following the assassination of his close friend Moritz Schlick,[34] Gödel developed an obsessive fear of being poisoned, and would eat only food prepared by his wife Adele. Adele was hospitalized beginning in late 1977, and in her absence Gödel refused to eat;[35] he weighed 29 kilograms (65 lb) when he died of "malnutrition and inanition caused by personality disturbance" in Princeton Hospital on January 14, 1978.[36] He was buried in Princeton Cemetery. Adele died in 1981.[37]

he also believed that this was due to a shadowy conspiracy meant to prevent the intellectual advancement of mankind.

just fact...

i mean..

shadowy conspiracy meant to prevent the intellectual advancement of mankind.

is exist!!!! just with fact!! and that is cruel reality!!!

technological gap occurs of course because someone trying to control world according to fraud priority.

of course.

and we living in completely oppression.

because they have already have all that technology but we are not.

also let see Georg Cantor's life.

Soon his interest returned to the subject of sets and infinities, which was criticized by several mathematicians, especially for his claims about infinity. Kronecker, an advisor who adhered to strict finiteism, seemed to cherish him and prevented Cantor from obtaining a professorship at the University of Berlin. In addition, intuitionists such as Henri Poincaré strongly criticized Cantor's theory of infinite sets as a mathematical disease.

Perhaps because of this background, Cantor's mental illness worsened day by day. While teaching at the University of Halle, Cantor exhibited symptoms similar to depression and was hospitalized and returned every few years. In particular, obsessed with the theory that Shakespeare's true identity was actually Francis Bacon, (what??? it also very suspious because he said like that then it can also considerable.. hmm...) he only talks about this in lectures, or sends strange letters to universities claiming that he is being slandered. Nevertheless, the University of Halle generously helped Cantor maintain his professorship, and Cantor was able to achieve several achievements, such as publishing the diagonal argument and establishing set theory.

and also what was common.

Gödel's ontological proof of god

According to Gödel, mathematical proof of the existence of God is possible when all positive beings are defined as God. If an object that satisfies the definition of God can exist, then that object necessarily exists.

cantor's absolute infinte

The concept of the existence of an actual infinity was an important shared concern within the realms of mathematics, philosophy and religion. Preserving the orthodoxy of the relationship between God and mathematics, although not in the same form as held by his critics, was long a concern of Cantor's.[71] He directly addressed this intersection between these disciplines in the introduction to his Grundlagen einer allgemeinen Mannigfaltigkeitslehre, where he stressed the connection between his view of the infinite and the philosophical one.[72] To Cantor, his mathematical views were intrinsically linked to their philosophical and theological implications – he identified the Absolute Infinite with God,[73]

so those genius was trying to reach to a god with logic and math and reason.

and they all just labeled and threatened and living in depression and mental illiness.

because those evil should make stop people believe god. and denying god. and this kind of study would be very threatning to them.

if mathematics, philosophy and religion all of them claim "there is god". and agree with it. then there is no place where for those satanic evil stand.

also nikola tesla was have same issue.

tesla also died in depression and his technology covered and cancled.

we can find quite simmilar and common between all those righteous.

but not only those of them.

but how many???? can't even imagine.

and how much gap exist???

thousand years technological gap??? between evil and commons???

can't even imagine.

how vaccine worked???

did you even knew? about nano robot could included in there??

we living in fake and lying that called earth.

this is truth.

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