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  • 작성자 사진Flament Olivier

why you tube trying to keep struggle ??? they will never give up.

youtube is still in the control of leftist and japan.

they never cut off. and can't cut off. and just same side for who get earn money from kill others.

youtube manipulation = what they want

simple. easy.

what "they want"

what they claim is from them. right? always saying.

not a fucking something they can check.

no. they think they can fool me. but i already said they doing that purposely of their own purpose.

from at first place.

and those byung sin think they can keep that fraud.

because many of sheep just believe that.

because truth is not good feelings to you but lying is so sweet.

so even cheap retarded level of lying but many of sheep choose that.

sheep don't even care. just how cheap it is, they just follow that. to the path of hell.

don't be a sheep.

and can presume what was google.

big tech cencorship. yes. that's why they never trying to give up.

they want kill everyone.

for money.

how people didn't even noticed what was wrong?

google. you never can reach to correct information. but it all manipulated and cencored.

and everytime i speaks truth and awake people.

but seems there is someone don't like it?

until very last moment.

and many corparations trying to just following only money.

see the world. recognize situation correctly.

world is evil? and your fraud is so much fine and okay and nice.

that consequence is vaccine.

because you admit that.

and finally. you vaccinated. according to your theory. it is what you believed? right?.

you think there is no god. but you believed world is just evil and evil is granted thing.

everything according to what you believe.


ancient fairy tale moment.

i believed god and world is not belong to me.

then. just naturally not vaccinated.

rest part automatically fit.

and even from now on to future.

this will affect.

so i always saying, recover your soul and find fundamental part of piece of puzzle.

that is just

be your self.

believe god

be kind and be nice to others

throw away fraud mind.

complete this part first. rest part will automatically fit but you should do this fast much you can. already too late but this will pernamently rule this universe.

if you fit this part then everything will automatically move and fit.

what is delusion about if you manipulation then that will works on me???

im not even didn't vaccinated. how your garbage fraud works??

oh if i doing it~ then he will don't even noticing~

but i telling your fraud mothod to people. i can expain what it is. all the time. and they still doing it.

what the fuck.

im not fucking idiot.

i have rights for using youtube without manipulation. am i wrong?

yes big tech achieved huge succeed to fooling and brainwash perfectly leftist and all people to get vaccinated and never even noticing what was wrong.

but not works to me.

im immune.

but what is mean they keep doing that is not purpose for fool me.

but sheep.

sheep is still object of what they killing of.

because sheep is so much easy to fool and they never noticing even while i telling them to everything.

fit the puzzle. only that can protect you.

everything is according to your behavior.

it is not easy to keep sane while world is gone insane like this.

fit the puzzle. fundamental part.

you know... truth is.. when think about.

what? world is lying to people and turned against and killed people? then.. what should i do?.... what .. what should.. what can i do?....

unfortunately many of sheep can't accept this. you will crying.

but don't need to negativity.

just yes it is sad and serious and never feel good and helpless and hopeless.

yes. and you actually should crying. like so much sad.

because it literally "fucked up".

you should facing and surpass at least one time.

just there is that is all. and it is shit. yes. just admit it.

when in early time people awakened. vaccine started and few of people talk about it, all of them just feel like funeral. when awake. that is natural. very gloomy feelings. not just sad. it is something desperation of gloomy doom of shitty feelings.

but at least once you should facing it. not just trying to think everything joke and fun playful.

facing truth. regardless how it is desperate and hopless. then you will be strong and can overcome tribulation.

but if you keep follow leftist japan and agree with them. and infected by them. trying to acting like jerks and think lightly about everything. trying to not get serious.

you will collopse. you can't sustain your sanity with that weakness while these serious level of huge scale of masscare of insanity. you should prepare.

and they make you keep weak and keep being retarded. easy to control and easy to kill.

that's why should cut off leftist japan clearly.

they want all others keep trapped in that delusion

because it much more easy to kill.

yes. this is just. literally. that is much more easy to kill you and people. so they doing that.

trying to kill you easily. and never claim your rights.

that is what leftist japan doing thing.

trying to kill people.

and yes.

cut off them.

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