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will you follow satanist suggestion new world. or will you be with god.

작성자 사진: Flament OlivierFlament Olivier

i want say like this.

maybe it looks like satanist compromised people are living well and get earn success and money.

their nation living more well going faster to trend and technology.

and if not accept that compromise then decline and isolated and anyways can't have ability to competive with those other nation.

it would be looks like that.

but what i want to say is.

actually if compromise to satanist. then they all die.

in consequnece.

for a while. it will looks like going faster and get earn profit.

but those satanist think about completely different phase of humanity history.

and that "new world" they talk about is.

actually about death. humanity actually end. in technology.

feel like digital eternal life??

and mind uploading.

they think about collective conciousness that internet connected cloud storage.

trying to combine every individual all at once.

feel like everyone using one same brain together.

and actually all of them is facing death. because there is no "self".

they want efficiently control people all at once.

so if go that path of "new world order"???

it is also meaning of death and end.

so but there is thing should care about before we entering this completely new phase.

what we "decide" actually.??

will you follow that satanist new world?

if you once entering in that path. then you should go to end. with satanist.


will you be with god.

that is actually what everyone should decide.

there is "new world" we trying to facing it.

that completely different world. next phase of humanity history that suggested by "satanist".

that not means profit. i want to say. that not means money and profit.

that goes to totalitarian oppression and serious intimidate and beast based satanic morality world.

so actually we are the last. last generation of humankind.

everyone is special and unique in this situation.

and we should decide something.

the history is moving. it trying to entering to new phase.

will you follow it? but that suggested by satanist people.

people who rape children and eat baby.

they want you to be with them. for go to new world. and

it going actually very weird way.

nano particle in your body. brain control by darpa hydrogel.

and combined collective conciousness.

that everyone brain is connection into internet. at same time.

then remain only one cloud data storage. that we can call "humanity data base"

then. satanist control it.

they not suggest better future or profit.

they think about only their own profit and domination.

so this path is should't follow.

but should choose way of god.

be with god.

do not go that path.

now it trying to entering that phase.

once step on it.

then can't return. it going till end.

and should decide.

be with satanist and entering that new world?

or be with god.

it would be tough choices.

but anyways.

for myself.

i recommend my opinions.

i want people be with god.

maybe there would be also people is there.

who just can be happy. in satanist suggestion.

you will own nothing and you will be happy in control.

otani wins and shogun dominate. murder rape. baby eat.

they just obey and surrender but feel comfortable when they just giving up their free will. and just take any instructions.

regardless it is rape children or baby eat or not.

but living life with own self will. that is shame and embarassing.

but when you just listening and doing good boy for when others just instructing you.

then some of people feel more comfortable from it.

those way of life.

listening others instructions. oppressor provide you to what you to do.

then you don't need to worry about your life.

then just agree with whatever thing. LGBTQ+ and political correctness.

otani wins. shogun dominated. democrats stand with ukraine. kamala harris.

becuase satanist suggest everything instead of you.

then some of people think that is comfortable. and easy.

they choose that easy life.

then it also go to "new world order" that satanist control your everything for you.

they will make you more comfortable. until you don't need to even think about. or worry about with your ownself.

some of are feel happy with in.

maybe they choose that new world order.

but some of are feel more comfortable from it.

more than choose difficult way of faith in god.

so it is about "free will" and "self conciousness."

if someone is have strong ego. then mostly not accept new world order.

they disobey and resist.

bu when people have lacking of self-awareness.

then they feel comfortable about take control from others.

just don't worry and do things only what instructed.

then you will be happy. you don't think. because japanese will think instead of you.

so it is what about new world order.

so maybe some of could think they are happy in that satanist new world.

but i don't know.

for myself. i don't want it.

i disagree.

think about leftist people.

people like tessa violet.??

those people feel happy when they not facing difficulties of life.

life is tough to living.

then some of weak people want to giving up about daily life struggle.

they don't even want to worry about their own life.

just if some gangster or satanist provide to them instructions.

then just follow it.

omg i like kamala harris~~ yeaah~~ agree with something~~~ that provide from satanist.!!!

then that is all.

they feel more happy.

more than facing to life.

facing to life issue?

all pain and suffering and bothering.

family is not good. and friend is fake.

and bad relationship.

boring job. and less money. but greedy.

desire and ambition is too much big.

but income is small.

every others is doing better than you.

and you can't make good decision in your job or life.

and somehow other bitch is skinny than you.

all of those life issue.

that leftist never trying to facing.

but when children rapist and japanese provide suggestions.

don't worry!!

becuase you will losing "thinking" itself.

just follow instructions.!!

do thing what you instructed!!!

then people feel happy from it.

do violence to this!!

do feel hate this!!

do wrath about this!!

do agree with this!!

do stand with this!!!

they instructing everything instead of you.

how easy and comfortable.


now it is nano particle brain control and internet connceted.?

then it going to new world order.

that no one need to worry about. because everyone is in same control and domination.

but what we losing??

what we should cost about this?

what is difference with "death"??


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situation briefieng. 2025 02 22.

current situation = "enemy occupied."









whatever rest of crime and events and accident ="it keep happens" because of your "let's make it happen" support and obey to japan.

explain. (somehow you must explain this!!!)

"don't need your cowardness."

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