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  • 작성자 사진Flament Olivier

world is going nazi tyranny obviously.

what is happening? in this earth very right now?

it is evil tryanny and intimidate and crime.

and where is all that "jewish" who always loudly yelling about "anti-semitism" labeling.

when there is neo nazi zelensky rise up and germany go for nazi tyranny and japan go for nazi imperialism.

when all that situation is right there.

but there is none of jewish not even talk about "anti-semitism" labeling.

everysecond is joe biden harris treason fraud election crime.

and blood clot keep growin your blood vessel.

and every second is japan tessa violet rape chlidren and eat baby.

should speak truth.

should admit truth that we always been knew but couldn't because there was japanese samurai stabbing and intimidate sabotage and assassination.

speak truth that we already knew always been.

but that couldn't becuase fear.

that because we all know japan tessa violet did that shit.

every nation and people damaged and oppressed.

abused and tortured by japan tessa violet psychopath game.

for their fun.

people died. children died. baby died.

too many of victims.

speak truth and restore our rights.

fight against to psychopath satanist criminals.

not a support them and laugh with them.

kill them and opposite against to them.

it is fight for humanity.

never be remain with cowardness.

speak truth.

i will never remain in history with coward myself.

history is written.

but how history will remember you.

what is your story?

of in this tragedy of time.

just clapping and obey to fucking japanese scumbags because you fear stabbing murder rape

when that happen to people.

just supporting it and encourage their crime and compromise to them??

speak truth.

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