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  • 작성자 사진Flament Olivier

world is seriously falling now.

always saying stuff. always same. but just sorting.

important thing is, cut off leftist and japan.

they are the exact way of hell.

and world, media, news, all just going falling now.

and they don't even care, don't even know what they doing.

all just care about fraud profit.

that is reality.

but it quite understandble?. right?

all just care about fraud priority.

that is reality.

any question?? am i wrong?

need any fact check for this?


you think fucking world is joke?

i think it seems not?


for awaken people.

if there is who have soul.

situation is really not good now.

world is keep falling.

there will be no one will save you.

but you should save your self.

recover your soul.


see the world. recognize situation correctly.

you should be more and more honest to yourself.

and should give up all fraud mind very clearly.

there will be expectation about world.

no, just see the world. there is nothing you can expecting.

throw away that mind.

recognize situation correctly.

regret and obssesion will remain and it will hard to pull off.

feel like, you shouldn't off from world.

like, you must keep staying in world.

like, if you are not one of bunch of mass then you are not safe and you can't decide anything for your own self.

like, just trying to following main stream of trend.

no. that is exactly way of death and hell.

how many of majority and how many of pointless people gibberish.

just walk your own path.

becuase, what is majority doing thing is 100% absolutely evil doing thing.

right?, correct?

you think world is not cruel and so full of kindness and nice??


everyone know what is world.

what is world? fraud.

fraud. just fraud that kill people and get earn money.

what you expecting?

that is all.

then what is mean? majority believe and majority follow stuff.

100% fucking fraud evil doing thing.

do not follow that.

of course.

just of course.

why need thinking or doubt or consider for this?

absolutely 100% fucking garbage.

worry about uncertain future? or jobs? money?

dream ? have some plan for old age?

no... we don't have time at all. that is reality.

you will not getting old anymore.

world end very recent soon or even it is end until 2030.

don't need to too much struggle.

and many of people already know world going end.

instinct know. so some of them just doing crime and kill others.

but backwardly.

it is finally you can be free.

finally you can just be yourself.

not just compromise to evil and fraud world.

no, it is okay now. don't need to do that.

but you can find free your soul.

that is difference.

between who will perish into hell.

and who will not.

who have soul and who not.

don't trying to think like,

oh? evil seems win? then should i pretending believe evil agenda?

oh? if evil not win, then should i pretending believe god and pretending good?


don't pretend.

just accept reality and true to yourself.

and think yourself. and believe what you believe.

and never doubt and just keep your soul.

do you have any worry about, what if evill win and rule world??

why worry about that?

then that is world end.

what you trying to expecting??

no. there is nothing.

worrying that means you still have obssession and fraud mind.

and still being just sheep and trying to compromise and trying to not giving up fraud mind.

and there is weakness and miserable lazy ugly mind.

and that means you have no awareness and no recognition about crisis.

while all of these insane madness of end of world.

there is crisis then should recognize what is happening. what is going on.

there is crisis all bullshit fraud murder happening now, how could care about just worry about, omg~ what if evil win?? should i pretending evil side???

pls. pls. pls. shut the fuck up and awake.

see the fucking situation!!!!!


accept truth. facing it.

should clear your soul. make sure.

lay down about expectation about fraud worldly life dream.

you trying to expecting.

something fraud.

very correct?

exactly that part.

throw away.

not anyone can do that easily. i know.

but you should have to. if you have soul.

that is difference.

between wheat and tare.

real soul and just byung sin.

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