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  • 작성자 사진Flament Olivier

world that never lying to you

earth is flat?

so, leftist japan murderers kill others for money.

and they claim, "world is like that! reality is cruel! didn't knew that?"

problem is... according to their own theory that is completely right.

so they are cool and can accept cruel reality.

but if ask to them, how about flat earth?

then they suddenly turn into well educated and civilized.

leftist japan manipulation and forcing what they want.

but same reason, and same method.

that's how big tech censorship make people injecting death poison.

because you only can watching what they show to you.

never even noticing it, don't even doubt.

and people vaccinated and died and still even now dead.

and leftist japan just want murder.

there is easy measure

google or youtube, do you believe them?

so they not lying?

or they never kill you?

so what if search

covid19 and flat earth then warn message appear

what they want to you to know and what they don't want know?

but leftist japan they even vaccinated.

but that is because they already pledged become robot and perish into hell.

so cut off them is so much important.

because they just want only one purpose.

drag all others into hell.

flat earth

snake tounge



but regardless those symbols.

let once trying to thinking just reasonable way and fraud way.

so they never lying to you?

do you believe them?

world is cruel right?

cruel reality is....

you doing evil but world make you doing evil and you don't even noticing it what was wrong.


do you like fraud?

according to your behavior.

what is stupidity?

people would know very well.

what is fraud? real fraud.

that you think world is everything.

what is cruel reality?

you make sin for that, but only your sin is real but you didn't belong this world never once.


fast and quick.

but think about again.


everything is just of course thing.

why kill others????

why fraud and why crime for money??

everyone know that is wrong.

just common sense.

follow common sense.

why purposely doing fucking byung sin.

that is fraud.

your fraud. your poop.

just simply follow common sense. then salvation is not that hard.

easy. how so much easy.

don't be retarded.

but.. jobs.. money... murder... bacon.... yeeeeeee... meeheheheheh... meeehehehe... meeheheh..

sheep crying.


just die.

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