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you murder by japanese.

작성자 사진: Flament OlivierFlament Olivier

"you" = means you

murder = means you will die.

by japanese = means by who? by japanese.

admit this fact. reality.

just make this sure.

you didn't attacked by me.

"you attacked by japanese."

so when everytime insane psychopath shitting around.

just simply say this.


japan. kill. you.


you. murder. by . japan.

keep just say this.

just follow my guidance.

attack japanese and speak truth.

and avoid fraud scam well.

then maybe there will be hope.

or either way humanity end.

don't need to worry about.

completely simple.

we murder by japanese. and we dying. and should survive.

it is global emergency situation.

that don't need to worry about anything else.

then it is very comfortable. omg. it is emergency situation.

like global emergency that every nation die and every humanity die about.

it is serious actually. so but somehow there is less stress.

because if you keep stay in common sense.

then nothing didn't wrong.

and world end but you didn't anything wrong.

you have no sin.

very nice.

and if world find peace then nice.

if world end. then at least there is opportunity.

if you didn't picked a side to demons japanese.

nothing worry to money and job.

who worry about money and job while world war global emergency situation that over 70% of humanity vaccinated bio weapons?

of couresly not. and you can't.

you shouldn't have a job.

when situation is emergency.

so for keep your job. should injecting bio weapons that mandated by joe biden tryanny ???

then should speak truth and resist and should not get vaccinated first.

more than your job.

not a worry about job and money.

it is matter of life and death issue that real.

death is real.

nano particle and blood clot and insane demon attack.

mind control.

that is emergency situation that you don't need to care and worry about losing your job or money.

in front of this emergency situation.

but people don't have that awareness.

feel like there is funny joke political leftist win or lose.

they keep trapped in that delusion of lying.

and japanese insanity mind control.

they keep obey to japanese becaues fear.

and don't want admit it.

because shame.

then just obey to japan and doing self-destructive and die.

and die.

japan murder them.

after all.

and that is just have no point about me.

you didn't even fight against to me. or not.

im just watching you die.

and you murder by japanese.

that is all.

that is really fucking absurd.

people think they fight against to me.

for what?

im just explain reality and watching you die.

and japanese is murdering you people.

and why there is team?

feel like they pick a side to japan and feel like they against to me.




japan did instructing it with baby head cut off.

why trying to feel like resist to me?

why do that?

don't do that. it's okay to not do that.

omg you are bad!!

really? why? how bad? can you explain it?


because japan did instructing it and intimidate you and attacking you?

then so much fear but can't resist to japanese.

but blame me then trying to appeal your self to psychopath for begging your life.


so when explain this.

then they get mad. because that is correct and that shame and miserable.

so that is point.

but important thing is.

im just watching you die.

and you murder by japanese.

that is reality.

read this again many times. until can understand.

so i trying to explain it.

hey guys. japan kill you.

what did you said?

um... japan doing killing you.

japan kill you!!

japan!! it is japan who doing kill. and they kill you guys!!

then people get mad.

i don't know.

because see from my side.

you guys murdered by japanese.

so i said it.

omg!! japanese kill you guys!!!


leftist don't like it.

and no one know.

i just telling what is going on.

omg.. seems japanese killing you literally slaughtering you guys.

and they keep make people compromise to murder.

that will be not good.

not a your win. japan win to kill you.

and that is all.


leftist just weirdly complaining and pointless obey to japan.

because everytime japanese cut off baby head and do something crime.

then all of them just shrink with fear and slughter by japanese.

im watching this with very anxiety and sadness.

omg.. how... peopel are slaughter by japanese.... how it can be happen!!

but people not even trying to feel relate with this.

because too much fear.

because assassination and missing kidnapping and losing your job and money or bank accout suspended and explosion and children get shoted and baby head cut off.

and media news intimidate. manipulated incident.

then people just don't even dare to think about resist to psychopath.

but for me. for myself.

i can't understand.


just japan did crime. then attack japanese.

nothing is worry about.

maybe leftist is they up to their buisness and job and money is depending to democrats.

so they trying to just silent and passing treason crime slightly with expectation like maybe no one will speak truth. right?

but when i speak truth itself with 100% honest mind.

then people get mad. because from leftist. or who compromised.

then me is literally enemy for their buisness of children rape money.

so they get mad.

and also right wing side too.

japanese attacking and intimidate their money.

then all of them worry about their money and keep support their own murderer.


so in actual.

there is only me 1 person in this earth who can speak 100% truth .

and it is valuable information.

because no one will provide it to you.

because me. what is me?


i never fucking RT your tweet if i don't want.

that is me.

i want only what i want. and if i don't want. then i don't care.

and i must keep this first more than anything.

and never compromise.

even if over 95 % of humanity disagree to me.

i don't care.

i didn't vaccinated. by the way.

it is very trustable information you can get earn.

because. me. speak truth.

it is only truth in this earth.

becuase no one speak truth.


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situation briefieng. 2025 02 22.

current situation = "enemy occupied."









whatever rest of crime and events and accident ="it keep happens" because of your "let's make it happen" support and obey to japan.

explain. (somehow you must explain this!!!)

"don't need your cowardness."

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