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  • 작성자 사진Flament Olivier

you watching media news.

they telling you information you should to know.

media they are weak and they hard to accept their reality.

just they murder humanity and get earn money and they never sending any of actual news.

all just word twisting and murder for themselvs and just fucking around to people.

and people damaged and died and murdered by them.

but only thing they can do. for money. that is all.

they can't resist. they also die but they most very well know about that.

it is hard to accept when criminals should accept their perish.

how fucking.. worthless..

just souless puppet who have no thoughts.

when you watching news.

puppet sending news for you.

you can't get any information from them.

psycho puppet reading prompter and wrote article.

they are not a real.

some creepy psycho puppet robot doing news journalism.

that is our reality.

media is fake.

why so much hard to admit that ???

fake puppet world.

you didn't living in reality.

and now they injecting nano tech for even trying to make puppet robot too.

then resist.

not become part of circus clown puppet parade.

can understand what is world?

this is fake fucking clown show.

don't become part of it.

ultimate reality you now facing.

this human history entering real shit now.

do not too much lazy and cheap positive.

admit reality and have hope.

stop fucking trying to not giving up what demons they giving you bullshit and you trying to keep pretending.

stop exactly that part.

i told you already. that evil walk path is obvious.

15min city and injecting sick for yourself and buying cure for them.

and just endlessly dedicate all your money and all your thinking to psychopath and they installing nano wire in your blood vessel and they will implant chip in your fucking brain. and nano hydrogel.

you are not a even human or you.

just cattle and puppet robot zombie.

you could can't even noticing you brainwashed or controled by 5G signal to control your all emotion, thinking, motive, fear, acting everything.

so exactly what we resist is trying to stop this.

and every government and nation and media and companies every world just no thought and trying to get earn money.

while this situation how to get smarter than them.

how to get smarter than evil demons?

be smarter than them.


if you not.

then you are fucking pawn and puppet cattle fucking idiot and nothing.

stop purposely you hesitate or considering for trying to should you pick your side to demons or not.

shut the fuck up. easy.

and speak truth and resist for real.

be real.

oh my god.. i can't fight with demons.. they will kill me piece by pieces!!! pls !!

how to resist is just not difficult.

there is plenty thing you can do.

just speak truth. and refuse all vaccine. and well infromed.

and do not what you should do not.

and have awareness correctly.

vaccine? that is illuminati nanotech stuff? who don't know that??

democrats? those psycho criminals? money laudry to ukraine??

leftist agenda?? from psycho criminlas?? hypocrisy? but actually ruin our society ??

brainwash media??? who believe that shit??

just it is common sense.

just at least have correct attitude.

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