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  • 작성자 사진Flament Olivier

youtube algorithm never perseonalize and it all manipulated. 100% fact and there is no other opinion

do not manipulation at first place

and do not interpretation at first place.


am i wrong?

and whatever i block or not.

that is not your concern and there is no interpretation about me personally block my youtube algorithme.

anything wrong?


there is no interpretation instead of me.



did leftist japan do interpretation?

it can able to represent any fact or reality?




they do manipulation and do interpretation.

for themselves.

shut off leftist and japan completely.

everyone. if you see leftist or japan in your youtube algorytme.

then just block channel and dislike.

that will make way better your mental health.

everything is manipulation and psy op.

that ruin your mind completely.

just do that naturally and daily life Routine.

when everytime saw that "manipulation".

dislike it and block channel itself.

so you can shape your own algorythme.


it will not works.

it never personalize for you.

it manipulated.

same like when youtube censored vaccine truth and killed you.

so they also do psy op.

they purposely appear on your algorythm to japanese and leftist.

so everytime when you see it, must block it.

if really big tech youtube algorytme personalized to me.

then must japan stuff never shoudln't appear.

but it always purposely appear.

and guantanamo prisoners also appear.

when only think they are win.

it manipulated.


and they joke.

you people know it ? right?

they do joke with youtube manipulation.

it manipulation and same method how to vaccinated you.

how to make you vaccinated yourself?

that all blood clot and storke and smell and rotten.

how ?? because youtube los angeles and japan pedophiles.

manipulated all your information.

there is anything confuse????

or can you denying?

they did every manipulation.

why you can't admit? or you purposely not admit.

because you want to kill rape women and children purposely?

for fun game.

there is easy check to your mental health.

if you think japan is right.

then that means you are psychopath and insane.

normal common sense know they are psychopath pedophiles and killed all children and people and do psy op and occuring every incident and they fun with it.

sane people can detect it.

if there is brain disabled or same criminals or inasne people can't detect it.

they can't notice what is real or not.

they have no recnogition about reality.

check people who have no ability to recognize what is real or not.

and beware those people. should know.

if someone is have no ability to recognize reality.

then their word and opinions and thought and perception could be dangerous and harmful.

sometimes it could fatal when they brainwashed by japan psychopath.

it could be goes to actual your physical death.

disinformation and brainwash.

it is means, your death.

it feel like movie inception that totem.

when check what is reality or not.

using japan.

then easily can know even someone others is brainwash and not in reality or not.

if someone still believe japan and listening to japan.

that person is same pedophile groups or failed being.

they are not in reality at all.

they are insane people.

and check your own self.

are you confuse? or you believe japan?

then you are insane and you are not recognize what is real.

cut off them completely then your mental will recover slightly.

but there will be suffer occuring.

because you realize what you did.

so for defence mechanism. you will not trying to admit it.

but just keep stay away from japan and everytime cut off and block them.

then will turn into sane and better.

when you turn into sane for a while.

must stay it.

must focus and stay.

but if you keep affect by japan and leftist.

then you keep brainwashed. so you are not a real.

you can't recognize what is real or not.

becuase they constantly do psy op.

so it is good excercise for your mental health.

when you encountering leftist japan related manipulation.

i mean, you never coincedently encountering leftist and japan stuff in your every algorithm and life.

they do all manipulation.

so must in daily life, must keep block it and cut off it, and dislike.

it is good excercise for your mental health.

must cut off psy op first.

mental illness.

more than theraphy , but stay away from what cause of affect you to mental illness.

that is good method.

cut off leftist and japan.

what people don't like is.

just your ugly mind.

defeat evil and stop pedophiles rape and kill children.

and stop kill people anymore.

they think that is me profit. and what they claim is.

they don't like it.


it is not fucking about profit.

that is your own mind perspective.

and psychopath criminals perspective.

stop psychopath killing humanity is your profit and everyone's profit.

think about.

will you just vaccinated and even never resist and don't even trying to get heal or do something for your blood clot.

is that have point?

and if you claim your rights and recognize reality and prepare your last or find way how to heal or prevent more many ugly bio weapon terror.

is that my profit?

or you are just ugly fucking scumbags?

so that is point.

what is psychopath spreading brainwash is.

they think must kill every humanity.

because they think others profit.

completely fucking psychopath.

just psycho demons.

so that's why leftist japan trying to kill humanity.

they did all crime and kill children and people.

but they think when they caught.

they think all others must die.

that is what leftist and japan.

psychopath demons.

never trust them.

it is seriously dangerous.

it is not human being.

just demons psychopath.

shut off them completely.

it really dangerous.

so leftist japan keep kill rape women and children is right.

but when people not living in their intimidate and oppression and instructions.

then that is become "me is profit"?? so they saying

"all of you must die."



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