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so pager exploded.

then we shouldn't vaccinated nano particle either.

and never get any implant chip on brain or hand whatever.

there is no trust.

because we just saw pager explode all at once.

when everytime they do global events.

that revealing their method and clue.

when they attacking global tech outage

then bit coin trust also bring down by their own global events.


how we can trust? bit coin? we just saw witnessed crowed strike can able to happen.

and also how we can trust? brain chip implant or nano particle vaccine?

when there is pager exploded.??

should talk about this.

they just revealing their own plan and method. and bring down trust of their own fraud scam with themselves.

we should focus to this.

omg pager exploded? then that could be means? any other device can able to explode? according to illuminati global events?

then what about vaccine nano particles???

omg crowed strikes happened!!

then? how we can trust bitcoin????

we just saw what was happened?

that able to possible.

then who can trust bit coin?

when there is obviously very able to global tech outage can be possibly happen?

who can trust brain chip implant or whatever implant???

when pager exploded?

we should approach like this about these global attack issue.

when every time they occuring global events.

that bring down their own AGENDA trust.

step on shovel and hit yourself.


people. i want say like this. 

we should talk about "demons" ultimiately.

to a demons , killing humanity or not is actually not that difficult thing.

but they not doing it. becaues what they wanting is,

what is their purpose? just think about leftist.

you pick a side and unncessarily make sin and hurting others and being ugly and do violence and being jerk garbages and exploit by demons.

and you die.

that is what exaclty demons want.

kill or not. is actually not a matter.

if they want to kill you. then they can kill you anytime.

but also this "humanity" and "civliazation"

demons can destroying it very easily. actually.

but what is purpose is.

they want to see, how people betray god. and commit sin. and being ugly.

just killing or not is have no problem. they can kill you anytime they want.

that is not a issue actually.

so that is why i keep saying "do not pick a side".

becaues what demons want is.

how people corrupt and make sin and going demons and beasts.

they not enjoying "killing" itself.

they always abusing and tortureing people's "soul".

soul is the target.

our soul.

keep our soul clean and safe and common sense.


don't unncessarily being ugly. it's okay. dont' need to do that.

if you trying to commit sin or being ugly.

then demons like it. then demons more and more exploit your sin.

they enjoying watching you commit sin and betray god and good people around you and going corrupt.

we should keep stay in faith and common sense.

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