keep speak truth and attack japan.
japan control every events way of they want to.
everyone know that domination and control exist by JAPAN.
and their association every rest of illuminati.
sabotage attack and manipulation intended labeling purpose and fictional fake events
labeling frame of their own crime for cover up their ownselves.
as everyone already know that "buisness".
le'ts make it happen. and LET'S not accuse japan purposely because we know japan did that crime.
"LET'S" means you doing crime.
so when japan did that crime. but let's we say not japan did that. with that purpose and intention.
so that is the buisness.
because japan control every crime and sabotage and AGENDA.
speak "this" and do not counting on bit coin that
money but with digital.
who gives you money with some digital mileage points??
it is bullshit.
"not a money".
when you spend "money" then sometimes debit card gives you mileage points you know.
those kind of type of concept that some.
side money? or mileage points.
that is bit coin. "not a money".
so you did job. then someone gives you payment with mileage points.
that is bullshit.
that have function of money of course.
but very feel offensive.
so property and wealth. means,
real estate, land, house, gold, metal, food, crafting, those kind of thing
you can buy it of coursely with mileage points then that is bit coin.
fraud scam. easily means. stealing your wealth and gives you mileage points.
it very offensive actually. intention is too much evil and fraud.
it is simply saying "robbery" is happening with global scale.
technically says.
it is belong to "robbery" activities. actually.
not politics. or buisness. or currency.
but just robbery is happening. but we can't think like that.
because some powers and politicians companies they do those buisness.
then people think that is not belong to "robbery"
when zelensky did that money laundry.
no one thought that is robbery. when actually just it was robbery.
money was stolen and crime happened. with fraud scam. #stand with ukraine buisness.
and people didn't accused it.
so speak up is important.
crime is not a fear. but should accuse it and blame it.
not because there is organized criminal employees doing intimidate people and labeling people.
they forcing and mandate those opinions.
they actually intimidate.
how could you not #stand with ukraine? then you are bad.
that is wrong.
majority number of people doing it for hired clown.
they intimidate people.
then people think that is not robbery.
stabbing people and after that people tells you, "you must say #stand with ukraine is positive thing!!"
then people say like that. and not trying to think that was crime.
raped but it is comfort women and didn't raped. then feel not miserable.
drone -> mysterious drone -> UFO.
raped victims -> paid comfort women -> wild hot sex.
children get shoted -> american local crime -> otani wins.
lying and intimidate works like that way.
and if you not believe like this way. then head cut off. or piece by pieces. wild fire. missing kidnapping. gang raid. stabbing. get shoted.
so should accuse "this" japanese global events of attack they doing.
and of coursely including rest of their association jewish israel fauci diddy epstein hollywood venezueal brazil spain poland UK vatican whatever villain that basis on japanese buisness.
same guy. same team. even japan lead them all. and also rest of them defend japanese for "keep" their psy op and intimidate.
and that runs global children sex trafficking and every rest of agenda and crime and sabotage.
becuase people not accuse exactly japan on purpose.
when japan did those crime. but because that is reason.
that is the reason. because JAPAN is the suspect.
so people say, JAPAN, is feel like not a suspect.
that because. JAPAN. is the correct suspect.
including. every rest of criminals. for themselves.
their side. their minions. their association. their friend.
you. yours.
your side.
so just naturally think about.
someone tell you.
i will give you mileage points.
and you must give me
real estate, land, house, gold, metal, food, crafting,
it is feel like unfair.
but swapping side.
how about? i will keep your real estate, land, house, gold, metal, food, crafting,
and you keep your mileage points.
then will they agree with this?
they will not.
not you keep mileage points.
think about opponent keep wealth with mileage points.
and you keep real estate, land, house, gold, metal, food, crafting.
which one is better?
speak that.
i will give you bit coin.
they says.
then. no give me real estate, land, house, gold, metal, food, crafting, and you keep that bit coin.
then opponent will not trying to do it.
it is same.
hey. you should swapping your wife.
no. how about? then? swapping "yours" wife?
they will not trying to do it.
and make them do it. and you enjoying theirs wife swapping.
when you not swapping your wife.
how about that?
i will laugh about when your wife swapping.
not you swapping my wife and you laugh with it.
suggest it to them. then truth revealing.