and even that epstein list is still not solved.
that is focus. why. because tessa violet hate it.
if solve that epstein case officially with every attention.
then who will also doubt?
tessa violet. japanese aiba aina.
they are the in charge after epstein. as we know it very well with boy stabbing.
they not revealing it.
where is all that Qanon. and trump justice?
even joe biden treason didn't revealed as official goverment and trial.
should revealing every crime that including past and nowadays too.
epstein buisness moved on japanese and tessa violet.
let's make it hapepn. including.
ask to that to tessa violet.
hey mary popins!! do something for revealing epstein list!! why not?
and blame it.
blame your crime. your own.
boy stabbing. boy arrested. boy make ties. and boy rape, boy.
that your favorite.
let's blame it. with circumstance allowing it.
through revealing epstein crime.
then naturally that goes to tessa violet wild hot sex boy stabbing crime too.
every attention and official allow about blame is able to.
but tessa violet stopping it. because trying to avoid her own blame.
and trump have no power to accuse their crime.
that is reality. should talk about.
officially talk about. and should make circumstance that trump can accuse joe biden treason and epstein and also including japanese and tessa violet let's make it happen too.
as we know.
trump take life threatning by japanese and tessa violet.
trump assassination attempt. thomas mattew crooks.
who did that?
japan did that. tessa violet did assassination attempt on president of united state of america.
so that is why accuse japanese as "a state of war attack by foreign enemy".
with which allegation?
allegation of assassnation attempt on president of united state of america,
and killing of US soldier with through using "bio weapons" that weapons purpose of kill soldiers. means war activities.
and that bio weapons used on civlian and children too.
and also psy op propaganda "let's make it happen" weaponized TREND. means "enemy war propaganda" for distracting and intimidate people.
and targetting people and children and soldiers, with through using "accident". that killing people. means "sabotage attack."
there is no reason to not military take action about this. also goverment and congress. and everyone.
that is allegation what i accuse about.
and everyone should accuse about.
so people don't need to be serious about.
it is simple. crime happened.
and let's make it not happen.
have no argue.
who encourage this?
that is wrong. you can say that is wrong.
why you make it happen? hey stop. what you doing? why you saying make it happen?
you revealing your intention and purpose right there!!!.
speak this.
let's make it not happen. why you make it happen?
"why? "you"? make it? happen?"
ask to them.
hey otan fans. tessa violet wild hot sex japanese boy stabbing people.
i want ask you.
"why you. "you". means you.
why you make it happen?
why you? make it happen?
you did make it happen?
it is you!!!
right there!!!
it is you!!!!. you did that crime!!!!
you did enemy propaganda!!! right there!!!
i accuse you!!!
speak. "this".
ask to them. to.
hey. thing is happened. are you fun? are you happy?
so how they answer to it?
they said. and also will says.
they are fun and happy.
about what?
about boy stabbing, boy arrest, boy rape, plane crash, people get shoted and many death.
why you make it happen.
and why you excite about?
what is so much fun about?
wild hot sex party about?
for your buisenss. "global children sex trafficking crime."
and every war, every conflict, every accident,
every mysterious death.
every "happens".
and also vaccine genocide and pandemic and globalism smart city wild fire burn down for rebuild it.
too many people lost their lives including children.
japan killed them. tessa violet killed them. and many otani fans. they did killed those people and children.
through using, "propaganda" that covered up as "trend".
"let's make it happen".
it is happened in humanity history. crime. and genocide crime.
not even only in US. but in every global nation.
that happened. by them.
military operation. through using trend. enemy propaganda have specific purpose of killing and rape.
that is issue that every media news should talk about this officially.
except this.
what politics you can talk about?
what? ugly pretending about agree with vaccine? and #stand with ukraine? and let's make it happen??
is that fucking politics? we should care about?
talk about it's opposite.
i accuse. about allegation of japanese war attack ,
about "let's make it happen" sabotage attack and war propagadanda and allegation of assassination attempt on president of united state of america.
and allegation of life threatning and killing against to civlian and children.
i rightfully accuse about crime what was "happened" in humanity history as "happened".
it happened. and it was TREND. they used TREND as weaponized.
so it is "there is no way to faking or hiding about this crime".
no one. goverment. military. congress. anyone. no one can faking this.
because it was "happened" as "TREND".
word joke method. word interpretation. and sabogate attack. and labeling. targetting victims.
accuse this "crime". accuse japanese and tessa violet as allegation of "crime against to humanity."
rightfully accuse this crime. what was happened in humanity history.
what we can talk about? then?
talk about fairy tale??? and let's get vaccination??? #stand with ukraineeeee??
is that what you want to talk about?
i really can't feel any interest about those people. fucking fake beings.
useless garbages and scumbags. otani fans.
really don't want talk with them. nothing to talk .
what can expecting from them?
is those people have any worth to talk?
talk what?
another vaccination??? and another ugly #stand with???
pretending together then we are friend???
when we being idiot together ?? then nothing to fear? and we are friend.
and feel united and bond each others???
with that shit???
about being idiot each others and agree with each others idiots.
and fucking think like we are friend?
get the fuck off.
i don't talk. nothing to talk.
what talk?? for what?